Extra 1: The Night Before

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Hey guys!

This extra chapter take place the night before Chapter 1. When the dreamcatcher girls encountered a gang.

Hope you like this little extra piece.



Minji pulled the collar of her jacket up. The wind was freezing and all she wanted was to bury herself under as many blankets as she could.

« I can't believe what people are throwing away » Yoobin scoffed, looking at her full cart « A few reparations for some and they'll function perfectly »

Minji had to give it to her, Yoobin was crafty. She could build things from scratch. She built them so many useful things over the years. She even managed to fix a car once.

« Yeah, and that restaurant too » Gahyeon said « We got ourselves a feast tonight » she chuckled, slapping lightly her stomach.

« That cake was so good » Yoohyeon reminisced « Who could throw that away? I even licked the plate »

Minji nodded, she liked the cake too but she wished it had been a Choco Pie. Oh, how much she missed Choco Pies. She could still feel it in her mouth. The last time she had it was, well, the day she got kicked out by her parents. She took a deep breath, feeling the fresh air hit her face as she walked. That day still felt like it was yesterday but she had been through so much since then. And she had met them...her girls. The little stars in her dark night. Just like the ones who were now shining upon them in the real one.

It was already late in the night. Too late for Minji's taste. She didn't like wandering around in this part of the city at night because...

« Aaaahhhhh » A manly scream pierced the night.

She had been so in her thoughts that she hadn't seen them.

Up the road, a group of six men was beating up a guy, slamming him against a burned car. One of them looked in their direction. Shit, it was too late to run away now. The guy whistled to his buddies and pointed at them.

« Girls, in formation » Minji whispered, her heart pounding.

The girls closed the gap between them, coming behind Minji. The guys approached arrogantly and Minji didn't like their behaviors. They were nothing but trouble and she knew they'll search a way to hurt them at any given opportunity.

« What are beautiful girls doing so late at night in this neighborhood? »

« We don't want any trouble » Minji said, making sure her voice was stable. You couldn't show any weaknesses to this type of guys.

The man laughed « Well, it's a bit too late for that. You see, you saw something you shouldn't have » Minji looked past him at the guy lying on the ground probably dead considering the amount of blood around him « How about you give me something in good faith of your silence or maybe I should force you? »

The guys started half circling them. Minji knew the implication of what he meant but decided to play dumb. There was no way in hell, her or the girls would do anything sexual with this bunch of pathetic losers.

« We don't have anything we're homeless » she responded firmly.

The guy chuckled « Bad for you » the other guys laughed. Minji heard the faint noise of Yoobin's pocket knife opening.

« You see » the guy continued, readjusting his leather jacket « Even women who have nothing still have something » he smirked, approaching them « Want to know what? » he stopped in front of Minji, looking her up and down and she could smell his disgusting cologne « Themselves » he answered.

She wanted to smash his face so badly. Her mind was boiling. Flashback of when she found Yoohyeon came to her. Her jaw clenched. She needed to remain calm.

The man looked past her « Just give me this one and we're good » he pointed at Gahyeon who widened her eyes like a deer caught in headlights. Yoohyeon grabbed the girl and placed her behind her.

That's when Minji saw red. Her hand collided with the guy's face in a fraction of second and she heard his nose break but she didn't care, she kept hitting him until he collapsed and then, she smashed his head against the asphalt leaving him unconscious.

She heard Yoobin's knife fly in the air to land in a guy that was running toward her. It landed in this shoulder, making him yell in pain. Yoobin ran to him, pulling out the knife and making him scream again. Minji got up, she looked around to see Siyeon clawing a guy's face, Handong was engaged in a fistfight with another one and Bora was kicking a guy on the ground blood coming out of her nose. Minji was happy to see Yoohyeon safe, she was protecting Gahyeon who was glued to her back but a guy suddenly grabbed Yoohyeon by her hair. Minji ran as fast as she could to her and the man pulled out a knife.

All happened too fast, it was a blur in Minji's mind. She knew she managed to grab his arm and they started fighting for the knife. He managed to cut her a few times but she didn't feel the pain. No one could hurt her girls. No one.

Suddenly, the guy stopped. He dropped the knife stumbling backward and dropped unconscious to the ground. Behind him stood Yoohyeon, the end of a broken bottle in her hand. She dropped it and ran to Minji.

« Are you ok? » she asked in panic, examining her. She nodded not feeling anything. Yoohyeon put her fingers on her neck, wincing in compassion but Minji wasn't preoccupied about herself. She looked around, everything at quieted down. Handong and Bora were hugging Gahyeon who was crying. Then, she saw Siyeon and Yoobin. They were punching a guy that was on his knees one after the other, swearing at him. After Siyeon's punch, he dropped on the ground but the two girls didn't stop. They kept swearing at him and kicking him again and again. Minji walked to them.

« Stop » she ordered.

The two girls looked up at her, Siyeon kicked him one last time as Yoobin went to fetch her knife, wiping it on a guy's shirt.

« Is everyone alright? » Minji asked, looking at everyone one by one. They all looked like shit but nothing vital. They regrouped slowly.

« Sorry » Bora apologized to Yoobin, showing her a kind of metal pipe she had took from the cart and who was now twisted and bent with splashes of blood on it. It was an item Yoobin had thought could have helped her bring back water in the old warehouse they were staying at but now it was useless. No water for them then.

« It's okay » she said « At least, we're all fine »

Minji went to Gahyeon who was hugged by Yoohyeon « Are you alright? ». The teenager nodded, sniffing and wiping her tears that were silently falling on her face.

« Let's go » Bora shouted « Before we run into other assholes »

They started walking, jumping over the unconscious body on the ground. Handong didn't even bother and stepped on them. Minji stopped in front of the talking guy, her jaw clenched. Rage invaded her again. She kicked him in the balls. She hoped he'll feel that when he wakes up.

« Stop » Yoohyeon whispered, taking a hold of her arm and dragging her away. Minji looked at her as they walked, memories flooding back. Yoohyeon was so strong now, it brought a smile to her face.

« Are you okay? » she asked.

Yoohyeon looked at her, putting a strand of hair behind Minji's ear and her heart fluttered.

« It brought back unpleasant memories for sure...and the fact that they wanted to do that to Gahyeon or worse» she sighed, her hands wrapped tighter around Minji's arm. The red-haired girl glanced at Gahyeon who was walking between Siyeon and Yoobin «...but it's okay now...because we're together »

Minji's eyes locked with Yoohyeon and smiled. She was right, everything was gonna be okay now. As long as they had each other.

Even if her body was covered in blood, she was happier then she had ever been. She found her family. 

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