A lady next to him was quite happy, her son was being discharged today who had a terrible accident. So much happiness around him made him suffocated.


"I can not imagine my life without you. Open your eyes Shonimoni and see your Sanskar is here for you." His voice quaver.

Holding her hands in his, he whispered, "Fight for me. Fight for us. I can not live without you."

Watching her laying unconscious made him insane. He wished he could give his breath and his life to keep her alive. He never felt so helpless before.

Did she recognize his voice?

"Sorry, Sir. Visiting time is over." The nurse said, he nodded and walked out of the room.

He looked out of the window and saw the rain. Seeing rain, her happy face flashed in his mind. How much she used to enjoy the rain.


"San, see my boat." Swara showed him a paper boat she made.

"Let's race." She squealed, clapping her hands.

They float their boats in the clogged road and watching whose boat reaches the far end, a wind wafted, propelling their boats to sink. Swara was on the verge of crying, "My boat!"

"Cry baby!" He teased. Swara crossed her arms across her chest and gave him a quelling look.

"I hate you!" She scrambled away from him. He rushed behind her. His big legs made him easier to get hold of her.

"Sorry, Shoni." He holds his ear and apologized. She laughed seeing his muddy clothes.

"Ew, you are so dirty. Suji ma will scold you," She lisped.

He jumped into puddles and splashed water on her, "Now, we both will get scolded."

"Sanskar!" She cried out. Then burst into a laugh holding her stomach.


Memories of their childhood made him smile. He remembered how he taught her riding a bicycle, how he helped her with her maths homework. Her laughing face tranquilized his mind. He could feel his eyes dampen with tears.

The doctor comes out of ICU, Sanskar looked at the doctor with hope.

"She's alright." Sanskar took a breath of relief. "But--" Doctor paused. There was always a 'but' to ruin someone's happiness.

"We must hurry up to find a donor. She had no much time left. It's unbelievable how she lived for ten years. But now she needs the heart to survive."

"Then why are you waiting doctor. Do it." He wanted to yell, but the voice came as a request.

"It isn't that simple. The heart will only survive outside the body for four to six hours."

"How much time do we have?" Her father asked.

"We need to do operate as soon as possible." The doctor replied and walked from there.

Sharmishta was dumbstruck, she would have slumped down onto the floor had not Sanskar held her steadily. Sujatha rushed to her side and gave her strength. Even his parents were upset, that was not how they planned to meet their daughter after years.

Flowers Of Despairजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें