Chapter 2: Link Start

Start from the beginning

He wheeled himself over to the bed, lifts himself off his wheelchair and layed on the bed. He then grabbed the NerveGear headset from his nightstand beside him and puts it on. He then closes his eyes. He took a deep breath and muttered the words.

Akiri: Link start!

His vision is flooded with bright lights. He is then met with a screen to type in a username. He just puts in his real name. He can't be bothered to think of a username since every username that he thought of were already taken. After typing in his username, he is then taken to a character customization screen. He spends a good amount of time making his avatar, making it looks like just the way he wanted to look. After he was satisfied with his creation, he presses the confirm button and was immediately met with a welcome screen.

Welcome to
Sword Art Online !

(Akiri POV)

When I opened my eyes, I was amazed of the sense of realism. The sounds, the smells, it feels and looks exactly like real life. I looked around to see that I am standing in the middle of a big medieval style town.

Akiri: (thoughts) I... I'm standing up. I'm actually standing up!

I carefully took a step forward and I lost my balance. I quickly put my hand on a wall to support myself. I took a deep breath. I then slowly took a step forward, and another step, and another until I am running at full speed with a huge smile on my face.

As I ran and leaped through the streets of the town, I was overwhelmed with different feelings. The feeling of the wind through my hair, the feeling of freedom. No more restraints, no more limitations. Feelings that I haven't felt ever since that day. After a few moments, I decided to stop and try opening the menu.

Akiri: (thoughts) Now if I remember reading the game manual, the menu can be opened by...

I then swipe my hand down and the menu appears in front of me.

Akiri: (thoughts) Let's see here... Level one, zero EXP, default armor, default equipment...

I smiled and closed the menu.

Akiri: (thoughts) Looks like I got a lot of work to do. But before that, gotta meet up with Kirito.

I then started to make his way to the marketplace to find my friend. Once I arrived, I saw that it was already filled with people looking around the different stalls that sells many kinds of items. I then widened my eyes as I realized something.

Akiri: (thoughts) How the hell am I gonna find him in this crowd?

A few hours have gone by as I was trying to find Kirito. I eventually decided to give up and I walked away form the marketplace. After a few minutes walk, I find myself in a field area with giant boars scattered all around.

I then equipped my default starter sword.
I smirked and ran straight towards it. the boar the notices me and started to dash towards me.

Akiri: Here goes!

I tried to activate a sword skill, but nothing happens. I stopped and looked down towards my sword.

Akiri: Huh?

I then looked up to see that the boar is right in front of me and it headbutts me right in the gut, sending me flying backwards and lowering my HP. I then hit the ground with a loud thud.

Akiri: Dang it!

???: Ha! ha! ha! That's a big oof right there!

I looked towards the voice to see that it was a guy with black hair and black eyes.

The Crimson Swordsman (Sword Art Online X OC/Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now