Extra Chapter 1

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- Serena


(FACT: On the Mythical creatures, before the king marries his soon to be queen, he gives her something special... A Jewel. With powers.)

.-.-.-.-. MERMAIDS/MERMANS .-.-.-.-.

Serena sat on her own, in her balcony on her house. She already met the newly crowned king and he was different from she first
met him accidentally which he acted like.... A Gay... He was fierce, not like before. And she was attracted to him. They already
talked and it shocked her that of all the sophisticated woman and that also include her three sisters, she was the one chosen. Though
he wouldn't tell her anything. Serena sighed and now her sisters are mad at her for being the chosen but she wanted to argue but,
she is the youngest. She didn't noticed her Father going to her...
"Serena, sweet one?" Orion
"Father." Serena. Her father sat beside her.
"I know you are disappointed in your older sisters." Orion
"More like they are mad at me." Serena
"Listen to me... If the man only chose beauty and being stylish and sophisticated, he would've chosen your older sister Shella." Orion
"Then why is Serena the one chosen?!" Shella then stormed in with the other two in tow.
"Shella." Serena
"Don't you dare call my name you bitch." Shella
"Shella!" Orion. They all flinched on their father's voice. It was the first time he scolded them.
"Don't you ever dare call your sister that way again. Understood?" Orion
"B-but father... I was to be the queen.. Yet she stole it from me." Shella
"King Ezio chose her himself. He wanted her. I don't know what else interested him when he told me that something interested him
about your sister... You will find a suitable man for you... But not the king." Orion
'Interested..... In me? But what?' Serena
"No more arguiments about this, understood?" Orion
"Understood?" Orion
"Yes father." Shella/Sheina/Serra
"Good. Now more of the subject." Orion
When a servant went in. Not just any servant, Prince Orion's right hand and messenger.
"The palace send a message." Servant
"And?" Orion
"The king..... Requests the presence of his bethrothed." Servant
Serena was shocked. Shocked that the king wanted to see her.
"Ofcourse... Does any other said in the message?" Orion
"The king also requests your presence there your highness... As her parent and also he needs information of the kingdom you govern
because he needs it." Servant
"You may go." Orion. The servant left as Orion smiled.
"Serena, prepare yourself. Girls, you may go. Meet me outside Serena." Orion then left Serena alone in her room. As servants entered and
prepared her.

.-.-.-.-. TIME SKIP .-.-.-.-.

Serena is nervous. Yes, she was so used on going to the king's castle for meetings of his father, but now... She was nervous on meeting King
Ezio again. They went to the gardens and there, King Ezio is talking with Prince Scorpio.
"Prince Orion." Ezio
"King Ezio." Orion
"We will converse later. For now, i would like to have a chat with Princess Serena." Ezio. Prince Orion and Prince Scorpio left the two and
Serena bowed.
"To what i owe you a conversation, your majesty?" Serena
"Swim with me." Ezio
As time passes, Ezio started the conversation.
"Do you agree?" Ezio
"What?" Serena
"On the match?" Ezio. Serena look down before looking at Ezio.
"Why wouldn't i?" Serena. Ezio stopped and look at her.
"Inside your heart though... Do you agree?" Ezio. Serena stared at his blue eyes.
'Do i really agree to the match?' Serena. She smiled. Earning a confused face of Ezio.
"Why wouldn't i disagree, when the man who wants me to be his bride..... Is the man i left my heart with?" Serena
'Oh goddess... Looks like i don't need to court her to get that kind of answer.' Ezio. Ezio went closer to her, kissing her forehead.
"Princess..." Ezio
"Yes?" Serena
"We should talk more on my spare time... I would love to know you more..." Ezio
"I should be going Princess... There are more important matters about the kingdom that needs my attention." Ezio then left. Serena stared,
'Did he just kissed my head?' Serena. She saw a rock and sat on it.
"My king..... *SMILE*" Serena

.-.-.-.-. FEW DAYS LATER .-.-.-.-.

Serena have been staying at the palace... It is the rules as soon to be queen. She and Ezio gotten so close and Serena can't help but to
blush everytime he flatters her. And now, Ezio called on her on their favorite place. The Balconies...
"Princess..." Ezio
"Hmm?" Serena
"Turn around." Ezio
"What? Why?" Serena
"Trust me..." Ezio. Serena turned around so curious. When she saw a cyan glowing necklace being put on her. Not just any necklace.
The Ocean's Essence. She look at Ezio after he put the necklace on her.
"They say this necklace belongs to the Queen Mermaid..... You are to be my queen." Ezio
"My king...." Serena. Ezio smiled before kissing her. Serena smiled after that kiss and admired the beauty of the necklace.
"It has powers that will only react to the rightful queen." Ezio
"But... What if i am not the rightful queen?" Serena
"Shh.." Ezio then cupped her face...
"You are the rightful queen..... I know you are." Ezio

.-.-.-.-. FEW DAYS .-.-.-.-.

Serena returned to her home for a while for she missed her family. But her sisters are nowhere to be found. When a kraken attacked.
Every soldier is fighting and when they knew that the Kraken's purpose on attacking is Serena, Prince Orion made sure she is most
protected because one, she is his daughter and second, the king will rampage. But Serena went out and faced the kraken. Raising her
necklace and sealing the kraken... The necklace glowing and the power was activated signifying her as the rightful queen of the mermans and mermaids.

Dragon MotherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon