Chapter 19

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- Pregnancy

I Woke up lying beside Calix while cuddling. I Smiled. He woke up.
"Smiling at morning, My Dragon Girl?" Calix
"You could say that."
"How are you feeling?" Calix
"Hmm. Quite well."
"You sure about that? Hope i didn't hurt you last night." Calix
Are you serious? It feels good it makes me wanna do it again. Gosh, what am i thinking?
Think straight! When Calix smirked. Huh?
"You want more huh?" Calix. He said that as he trapped me in his arms.
"Calix. Don't do what you're planning to do."
"What if i don't want to stop?" Calix then kissed my neck as i dramatically shrieked.
"Please Calix! It's already morning. Oh, please." My goodness, why did he have to touch it?!
"Alright. Wanna take a Bath?" Calix

After taking a Bath, change our Clothes, we went to the dining hall to eat breakfast.
Well, she said that even if we did that for almost three nights. Yes. Three nights.
We were greeted by the smirking faces of the Elders and Councils. Yes, we eat together.
The councils are like our family like the elders.
While we are eating, Iyonna stood.
"Something wrong?"
She ran to the Bathroom. When she returned. She Look pale.
"Queen Iyonna. Are you alright?" Elder Seth
"I'm Fine. Just need a Little rest." Iyonna. She held on the Table.
"Are you really alright?"
"I. I-" Iyonna then Fainted. Good thing i catched her.
"Call the Doctor!"

.-.-.-.-. FEW MINUTES .-.-.-.-.

"How is she?"
The Doctor turned then Smiled.
"Everything is so Fine. She needs more rest now. This is Good news." Doctor Justin
"What Good news?"
"The Queen is Pregnant." Doctor Justin.
"Congratulations, King Calix." Council Floren
The Elders and Councils said their Congratulations before leaving me with Iyonna.
She Moved her hand before opening her eyes.
"W-What happened?" Iyonna
"You Fainted."
"Wait. Why are you smiling?" Iyonna
"My Queen, your Pregnant." She was surprised. I Kissed her forehead.
"R-really?" Iyonna. I Nodded. She put her hands on her belly.
She Guided my hands to hold also.
"Our First child." Iyonna
"Or Maybe Children."
She punched my arm.
"Aww. That hurts."
"Well, let's just see." Iyonna
She put her hands on herbelly feeling our child or children perhaps.

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