Chapter 1

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- The Huntress

I Straighten myself in the Tree i am
Sitting when i heard a Rustling.
I Look at my Surroundings down below.
When i saw a Deer.
I smiled. My Price. I Took my Daggers
from my Boots and throwed it to the
I went home carrying the Deer. When
Laurence saw me, he shouted.
"Dad! Iyonna brought us Dinner!"
Laurence. I Put the Deer on the Wood
near me then Caress his messy hair.
"Wow, Iyonna. I was not wrong on
allowing you to Hunt. Good Job." Dad
"Iyonna. Come here. You should wash
yourself." Mom
When i went to her she playfully
pinched my nose.
"Still Careless as usual." Mom
"I'll be taking a Bath Mom."
I walked to the house and immediately saw Laura Braiding her hair.
"Where's Aurora?"
"She's Out. You know." Laura
"It's Weird. You Hunt Animals while
she hunts Boys." Laura
"Hahaha. I'll be taking a Bath."

.-.-.-.-.- TIME SKIP .-.-.-.-.-

I Am Training in the Field with my
Friends. Ezio, as usual is Carrying
a Fan while Fanning Himself.
Or Should i say Herself.
Get what i mean?
"You know what Ezio?" Irvine
"Yes?" Ezio
"I Am Always Thinking Why Iyonna
is a Girl but she is like a man. A
Warrior. Unlike you,
You are a Boy but you are more stylish
than a Girl!" Irvine
Darious and i can't help but to Laugh
Loudly while Ezio's face is Turning Red as Irvine's words are starting to Process through his Filthy Mind.
"Who cares if this is who i really am?!
You are stressing me!!!" Ezio while fanning himself rapidly.
Our Laughs went louder.
"I hate you I Hate you I hate Youuuuu!!!"
"You always say that but look." Darious
"But Darious. You're making him More mad."
"I So Hate you Iyonna!" Ezio
"Wait, what did i do?" I went to him and pat his head. He stopped. We Laughed again.
"Iyo-" Ezio
"Sorry!" When i saw him looking at
something. I turned and saw Aurora
Looking at Darious.
"I May Hate you but i can still forgive
you three but not that Girl. Sorry
Iyonna. Even if she's your sister." Ezio
"Just let her be."
"Hey Iyonna." Darious
"Yes, Darious?"
"Wanna go out with me?" Darious. I
Blushed suddenly. It's Ezio's turn to
"She'll say Yes~. She'll say Yes~." Ezio
"Stop it. Alright. I Will."
"Yes!" Darious
I saw Aurora Glare at me. I Just didn't
mind her.
"But before that." I Pick up two swords and throwed the other one to Ezio.
His Flexible muscles
are fast that he hid his Fan Before he
caught the sword and Positioned. I
Even though he acts like a Girl, he's a
Warrior himself. We are known for
being the Strongest fighters
here in Oakville Kingdom.
"Let's fight Ezio." He smirked that
made me confused. I've never seen
him smile like this Before. It's so..... Manly. He
Attacked that surprised me but my
senses made me dodge easier.
"I'm still stronger and Faster than you."
"Let's see." Ezio
Then the Battle has begun......

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This is Daluna27 signing in again as your Writer~

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