Chapter Eleven - Hogsmeade

Start from the beginning

The week leading up to the Hogsmeade visit passes very quickly; classes are boring, homework is building and friendships are going well. Marly and Sirius are just getting cuter and cuter, whereas Frank and Alice still haven't got together yet! Ugh....they are infuriating. On Friday night, I head to Gryffindor tower to see the girls. It's quite early in the evening, and we're not meeting the boys for a little while yet, so we have time. However, as I walk into Gryffindor tower, I see a very pleasant sight. Ali and Frank Longbottom are having a full-on conversation. I even think that she's flirting a bit. Ali Prewett NEVER flirts, so this really is shocking. I tip-toe through the common room at the other side of the room than the one they're at, to make sure that they don't see me. I quickly run up the stairs to the girls' dorm and burst in excitedly.

As I rush in, Marly and Mar look up at me and I squeal, "Ali and Frank are having a conversation. Like a proper one! She was even flirting!". At this Mar drops her magazine, and Marly is speechless (a very rare thing, might I add!). "No fucking way!" Mar says, hopping to her feet. "She said that she was going to talk with him, and maybe even ask him to Hogsmeade, but I didn't think that she would actually do it!". Marly stands up as well, and says excitedly, "Oh! I really hope that she asks him! If she does, their first date would be tomorrow!". "Oh, Lils! That would mean that both our plans are totally successful, and we're not even one month into the school year!" Mar adds, giving me a quick squeeze. "Oh my Merlin, yes! Operation Blackinnon - check! Operation Neville Longbottom - check! Geez, Mar! We're pretty damn good!" I reply, and Marly looks shocked. "Wait, wait, wait! You two have been trying to get me and Sirius together, and Frank and Alice!" she says, her tone indicating her shock and surprise. "Yep! For quite a long time, might I add! Operation Blackinnon has been worked on since the end of fifth year, and Operation Neville Longbottom has been a go since the beginning of third year!" I say, relishing her Marly's speechlessness. "!" Marly says, completely and utterly flabbergasted. You should see her face! It's hilarious, the expression she's wearing! Mar and I share a look, and then burst into peals of laughter. 

After about an hour of just chatting about Mar and I's many ridiculous plans to get Marly and Sirius and Frank and Alice together, we all decide that it should be safe to head down to the common room and go to meet the boys. As we walk down, we see a sight that shocks us all. Frank and Ali.....kissing. Oh my Merlin! And this wasn't just any old kiss.....this was passionate! Oh, Ali! I'm so proud of her! They break apart, and say good night to each other, and this is when the girls and I decide to make our appearance. "Hey Ali!" Mar says smoothly, grabbing her arm and dragging her out of Gryffindor Tower with us. "Oh, I'm so proud of you!" I say to her, giving her a little squeeze not unlike the one Mar gave to me not long ago, "So....tell us everything!". Marly squeals excitedly, "So, do you have a date for Hogsmeade tomorrow?". Ali hesitates for a moment, clearly for dramatic effect, and then inclines her head slightly. Oh, this is incredible! 

"So....ummm.....I was in the common room, when Frank walked in. No one else was around apart from some first years and second years, so he came over and sat beside me. Earlier today, I had already said to Marly and Mar that I would talk to him and ask him to Hogsmeade if I got him alone and....well, here I was! I decided to flirt a little bit, I'm not sure if I was any good at it, when he said, 'Alice, can I be honest with you? I've had a crush on you for years, and I think that you are really amazing. I was just wondering if....well....It's ok if you don't want to.....'. But here I cut him off, and kissed him. Oh, girls! It was the best kiss ever! It was soft, and....and gentle, and kind and....oh! I couldn't get enough! He kissed me back and it was like there were fireworks, you know? Anyways, we eventually broke apart, and he said, 'Alice Prewett, would you come to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow?'. Of course I replied with a resounding 'Yes!', and then we kissed again. And...yep! We said goodnight and then you girls walked in!" she says, slightly breathless. "Oh, Ali! That's perfect! Oh, I can't wait for tomorrow! We have to pick the perfect outfir for you to wear!" I say, extremely excited. Marly and Mar nod their heads enthusiastically in agreement, and we burst into girlish giggles. We make our way to the common room, and meet the boys. We just have a regular Friday night - chilling out, drinking Firewhiskey, and even a little bit of dancing went on! We went to bed at about one in the morning, and I shared my bed with Ali while Marly and Mar stayed downstairs.

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