01- Some Fucked Up Shit

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Leahs POV


"No leah you're not going to throw me out"

"Yes I am"

"No I'm not leaving"

"Damnit Scarlett get out" I yell

"Why" she started crying

"We. Are. Done. Good. Fucking. Bye" I said getting her up and pushing her out the door.

I closed the door. It felt like a weight was just lifted.

Me and Scarlett were together for 2 years. Don't get me wrong it was a great 2 years but she got boring and clingy. So I just had to let it go.


I decided to go to the store to get some food for tonight.

I was looking down at my phone then someone ran into me. I looked up and it was a girl. She was beautiful.

"Sorry" she said I was still staring at her

"Um ma'am" she said I look up and into her eyes. They are a beautiful hazel color. And her lips. Don't even get me started.

"I-um-sorry... your beautiful by the way" I looked away nervously

"Thank you" she giggled. That was so cute. She caught me staring at her again and started blushing. How cute. She's nervous around me. Awe

"Well I- you....um... hopefully I'll see ya around sometime" oh she wants to see me again. Tehee.

"Same here babe" she smiled and walked away. My eyes traveled to her ass. The perfect size to fit the perfect person. God every inch of this woman is perfect. I want her so bad.

Jennifer POV

I feel the girl staring at me walk away. I let it slide.

She's hot, I mean not in weird way because I'm not that into girls. She seems like she would be a good friend and kisser. But I have a boyfriend. So I'm not currently available. Sadly


I went in my house and heard a noise. I walked in my room and saw a woman on top of my boyfriend Ben.

"Omg" I said and gasped. The girl quickly jumped off and Ben got up.

"Oh shit. Jen" he said

"Sorry you look busy. I'll go now" I said and walked away. Ben got out the bed and ran after me (after he put his clothes on)

"Jen wait" he said and grabbed my arm


"We can fix this"



"See because I can't. Ben this isn't the first time. It's not the second time either. Shit it's not even the fourth. I'm sick. And if I'm not sick, I'm tired. I'm sick and tired of your shit Ben. Now please do both of us a favor and take your little bitch and get her out of my house" I said crying.

"I'm sorry Jenny" he said then tried to wipe my tears I stopped him

"Stop Ben. Stop acting like you care when we both know you don't-"

"I do care"

"If you cared you wouldn't cheat. Get caught. Then cheat again."

"I'm sorry"

"Fuck you can your lying ass sorry." I say

"I.. I need some time" I said then walked out the house and called my best friend Lana


"Oh god Jenny are you crying? What happen baby"

"He cheated again." I said and started crying even harder

"It's okay Jen-"

"Maybe I wasn't sexy enough . Or wasn't around enough. Or not beautiful enough. Or maybe I just wasn't enough"

"Stop it Jennifer you're all of them and more. I'm coming to get you. Where are you?"

"In front of my house"

"Ok be there in 20 minutes"

"Ok" she hung up and I started to cry even more. How could he. Cheating must be a hobby of his that he has had for a long time. Cause he seems like a pro.

20 minutes later Lana was here. I was still crying.

"Oh Jen" she said and and helped me off the ground and we got in her car

"Lana. Why me. Why do I always get the bad end of the stick. Maybe I don't deserve to be happy. Just a walking curse" I said and looked dow. Letting my tears fall in my lap

"Are you crazy. Jen you are a blessing. Ben just failed to see that. Anyone who can get you is blessed in every way. You're funny, tough, kind, confident, and drop dead gorgeous. I mean you're every mans dream woman. Ben doesn't deserve you. You're worth more then that slug" she said put her arm on my shoulder rubbing it with her thumb still looking at the road

"Thanks Lana. You're the best friend anyone could ever ask for" I said and smiled wiping my tears

"Anytime Jenny"

Leah POV

God I can't get that woman off my head. I tried so hard to look her up but I remember half way through that I never got her name. Stupid Leah, just fucking stupid. I want her. I'm gonna get her

And I'll do whatever it takes.

First jeleah book. Do you like it? Vote and comment. Ok byeeee😚✌🏽

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