2 | An amazing douchébag

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I go in and sit on my place, not in the first bench nor in the last bench. In the middle row, third bench. It's a perfect hide-out. Since, not many teachers will find you out in there, you can even escape tests by leaning forward to get the topper's answer and even from the back benchers who have to-the-point, accurate answers from the book.

I tap the bench while waiting for my friends.

I am early, today and I hate it. Actually nobody to talk to.

I look across the room to find Darshan sitting by a window with a few girls surrounding him. He smiles at all of them while continuing to talk to them.

Although the smile looks tired and crooked, he definitely doesn't show it.

I shift my focus to the blackboard where the last class's notes were still written over which were half-erased.

I wonder when Viraj, Smriti, Deepa and Shaif would come.

I see my brother through the window passing by the corridor, and I decided to have some fun with him.

I decide to pull out a prank on him, without trying to get him to trouble.

“Rudra”, I call out to him through the corridor as he rounded in the corner.

I run after him as I catch up to him.

Trying to look furious, I asked, “Why did you do that?”

“What did I do?”, he asked after blinking a few times.

“Don't act like you don't know anything. How could you do that to me? I am your sister. And, I can't believe it.”, I try to pull up my act as I throuw my head back with my hand on my head.

“As far as I remember, I haven't jeopardized any of your date this week. Besides, you didn't have a date this week. Not only this week, you didn't have a date in the past three months. So what are you talking about is beyond me.”, he threw his hands up as he justified his crimes.

“Heck, it wasn't about that. It was... Heck! I can't even speak it aloud. Out of everybody, it had to be you”, I said stressing out my voice a bit more, so that it has an impact.

“Look, I have cricket practice, now. So, you better save your drama for home”, he frowned as he said it and I knew he wanted to get out from this situation as soon as possible.

I would have put my act for a bit longer, only if Smriti hadn't wrung an arm around my neck.

“What are you doing here? Class starts in... 10 minutes, you know that?”, she asked wiggling her eyebrows.

I scowled at her for ruining my drama and headed to the class with her, leaving my brother in dilemma.

We both are lucky for the teacher came in just after we entered the class.

“Hey, you are coming to watch the cricket match after school?”, Deepa whispers from behind me, sitting with Shaif. Viraj sits in front of me, too absorbed in the class that he would barely respond to us.

Such a topper.

“Maybe”, I shrug my shoulders at them.

“Your brother might be playing as well”, Smriti enters in to the conversation, like this fact was enough to lure me in.

“That monkey can fuck a donkey, and I wouldn't care any less”, I answer, grimacing at the thought.

“He is already brother to a donkey like you. I am sure, he won't want a donkey as a girlfriend”, Shaif hisses and my jaw dropped half-open.

“That's way too mean”, I say throwing a paper ball at him.

“Chuck that aside. I am damn hungry. Does anyone of you have something to eat?”, Viraj asked finally turning around.

“It's just the first class, dude”, Deepa rolls her eyes at him, clearly thinking that he was doing this for attention.

“I might have missed my breakfast”, he shrugged. “But, it's okay. We can eat afterwards”, he said turning away.

“Bro, are you fine?”, I asked noticing the redness in his eyes.

“Yeah. The assignments last night were too much work and I fell asleep at some 5.00 a.m and woke up at nearly 6.50 a.m. I had no choice but to skip breakfast and cycle till school so I wouldn't miss out the school”, he said throwing his head to the back in distress.

The Sunday is meant to be a fun day.

For us, Sunday is an assignment day.

We look forward to Sunday morning, but not Sunday nights.


The school ends by in a whizz and I end up taking the bus back to home.

“Boo!”, I am suddenly attacked by my brother who was hiding behind the door.

“Ahhh!”, I scream, jumping back dropping down my bag.

“Could you be any more childish?", I ask, clearly disgusted.

“Could you be any more of a child?”, he counters.

“I thought you were in the game”, I comment, switching on the TV before mom appears from the kitchen to scold me.

“It begins in next two hours”, he answered slumping on the sofa next to mine.

The places were assigned to us by us. It was an unsaid rule that we followed. He would automatically sit beside me.

“Then why are you here?”, I asked him, not quite understanding his moves.

“Darshan said that he forgot his kit at home, so I just accompanied him. He is preparing his bag and I should probably fill my stomach before going to play”, he said taking in a light sandwich from the table he had been eating.

Seconds later, there is a knock on the door and he goes to open it.

As expected, it was Darshan.

“Dude, I am sorry it took me long”, he tells my brother.

“It's fine. I was just having something to eat. Would you like to have some?”, my douchébag of a brother asks him.

I can't see them, though, they are at the door. The air is the medium through which I listen them. My brother is two years younger than him and I, and yet he is way too nice with him. Or maybe, I am the only one thinking so.

“I will wait for you”, I hear the other voice, owned by Darshan as I hear the door close.

“I need to go”, my brother informs me, swinging his cricket kit onto his shoulders.

What a burden.

“And yeah. I don't know what I have done wrong, but here it is”, he said pushing a dairy milk towards me.

I smile widely at him, looking at the Navy blue packet with awe and amaze.

He is amazing. An amazing douchébag.


A/N : I hope you guys really like this awful story without any destination. I plan to make it an appropriate story. Idk, from where I am getting these ideas, maybe from the weird dreams I am having, but yeah, it feels good to talk to you people and if it takes a stupid story to communicate with my amazing readers, so be it.

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