Start from the beginning

I swiftly kicked him down, colliding his body to the ground hard. His anger triggered him more as I stepped back in a hallway off the lava planet circling all of us while Anakin continued his concentration on me than Obi.

Anakin turned and clashed his lightsaber with Obi as he jumped all over and still blocked the strikes we put on him, leading us to now be in the Control Room on Mustafar.

Other bodies lied on the ground as Anakin and Obi had a little brief moment onto themselves as I came and clashed my white lightsaber to Anakin's, having him Force push me far to the other side of the room.

My body ached as I stood up and saw Obi getting choked by Anakin now, making his lightsaber slowly fall to Obi as I stretched my hand out and Force break the hold and throw Anakin to the other side of the room.

Obi-Wan helped me up before Anakin came over and started piling blows over and over onto Obi and I. His energy was quite stored, but he was recklessly using it on the frustration of the situation than clear insight.

"You could become a true Dark user if you knew what you were doing," Anakin spoke to me in anger. "Use it! You aren't a Jedi, right?!"

"You forget... I am not a Jedi nor Sith," I told him.

I Forced pushed him back all the way outside, connecting his body to the railing outside of the Control Room. I followed after him with Obi-Wan doing so as we continued our parry against one another.

Anakin continued his flaring strikes on me as he wanted my anger to rise again with what happened in the Control Room. I knew it was a trap since he managed to get Obi-Wan in a position that would have been bad.

There was a bar connecting to the Main Collection Plant as I got on it, seeing that it was very dangerous to fall. The lava and fire surrounding us wasn't helpful as I eased my worry and looked ahead with Anakin in the middle as Obi and I surrounded him.

Anakin made his move on Obi, blocking the incoming strikes Obi had him flaring back and forth while I kicked Anakin's leg off, unbalancing him and almost falling down.

He growled and tried striking me down as I jumped and Force pulled him with me, seeing Obi look down and realizing there was another platform.

Anakin collided with the terrace as he got up and shook his head in disappointment. He wasn't giving up any time soon.

Obi screamed as he grabbed a hold of Anakin and tried to get a proper hold on him. He still had some energy in him that would push all of us off this platform, but Anakin knew to continue this fun.

Once we got to the end of the deck, lava erupted more angrily as it covered the side we had came from. It destroyed the balancing beam of the lines connected with Anakin still trying to place hits on Obi and I, but the tower started to become weak and uneven.

Obi grabbed me and held me with him against the wall as Anakin fell on the other side, trying to get a hold of his balance with Obi looking at me.

"We'll get out of here, dear," he thought to me. "I promise."

"I know, love," I returned in thought.

"Go now!"

Obi and I ran to the high point as Anakin stopped us a little dysfunctionally as the tower started tipping down, making Obi Force push me to the top safely as he and Anakin continued their few contacts with each other as I panicked.

The tower was about to fall off from the waterfall.

More like a lava fall.

Obi-Wan grabbed a hold of one of the lines that broke and swung back and forth on it to get on the small chunk of the tower still risen from the lava river. Anakin seemed to copy this and try to stop him.

𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 ⎯  𝕠𝕓𝕚-𝕨𝕒𝕟 𝕜𝕖𝕟𝕠𝕓𝕚Where stories live. Discover now