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3rd person POV:

   (Y/N) is a 9 year old girl, who has been with Wu sense she was 6, and he found her in a cage, scared wounded, dirty, and broken. He couldn't leave her there, so he opened the cage, and the girl spoke of an island, but he couldn't make sense of it, but he knew he should help the poor girl, so he took her, and tended to her wounds. So, she was with him for 3 years, which was quite a bit longer than the ninja, and she paid far more attention than any ninja, out of fear if she didn't she would be put back there. So she was better, but she would disappear at times. Lloyd thought (Y/N) was annoying, with all her acting older, and his Uncle givng her more freedom, and saying the should pay attention like her, but she would often bring him comics so, he liked her as a little sister as well.

   Lord Garmadon thought she was a nuiseness, sense she would always nearly catch him, today was no exception... an annoyed Garmadon then thought of a plan...

   One day, when (Y/N) cornered him on a cliff, that would kill if you jumped, because there were so many sharp rocks . They were clashing weapons, and (Y/N) nearly had him, he ninja just arrived and came speeding to help their little sister, but it was too late... as she raised her katana to stop him from raising the mega weapon...

   "I wish for (Y/N) to disappear, to another dimension!" (Y/N), as well as the others all stopped dead in their tracks, (Y/N)'s droppped her katana sense everything began burning... she began to cry out in pain, she felt like she was being torn apart, Garmadon watched the ninja all run to her, he got away then laughing. (Y/N) began fading and everyone tried to grab her, their touch felt off, distant to her, but she eventually just slipped through their fingers, and she woke up in a swamp area.

(Y/N) POV:

   I woke up in a forest/ swamp, and got flash backs of that horrid island. I don't have others to help me, I must go back to my old ways. Wu Lied, I begin by making a bow and arrows. "(Y/N) why do you keep making your weapons for training, we have weapons here?" Heh, looks like I was right to keep in practice my survival skills.

~9 Months Later~

   I have been perfectly fine, I made myself a small hut, have a fresh water source, and have been fine with food. But today I went too close to the edge of the forest, and was spotted by a baker, with my fish! Later, she called a bunch of men in metal to get me. I was rushed by a small 1 and I jump over his head, he looks baffled as I jump into the tree and a medium metal man tried to climb the tree after me, only for me to kick him hard in the face. Tall Metal man tried to hit me with a sword, and I grabbed the blade, then his wrist and flip him over my head.

   Surprisingly he weighed less than Zane, and he was bigger than him. I fling them around for a bit, and continue to deflect them. I had been caught by the biggest one for a second, but I bit his hand hard, drawing blood, and I began moving in the shadows in a attempt to scare them away from me, they just tried to grab me again. Medium hit me with a SHEILD, and I grabbed and smacked him back, I also used it to block the small one.I was in a tall tree and began to examin the sheild, when I finally went down they had all climbed up. One of them tried to catch me in a net, but I caught it and trapped them. However, right as I was about to go home the net come alive!

   It lets go of them, I began running, leaving the fish, and screamed. "THAT AINT RIGHT!"

   The  stupid net caught me and a older man came out. The 3 metal men cried when they saw I  couldn't move, the little one tried t taunt me, until his hand got to close and I bit him as hard as I could. Then they stayed as far away from me as possible... I just smirked at him when I let go and let his blood drip from my mouth. I heard him mumble on the way to where ever we were headed, "Devil Child..."

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