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Y/n's POV

It was weird waking up in Lance's room, but oh well. Quickly I run to the dinning room, sense I'm hungry. I devour my food, and see that everyone is quite tense. Bored, and seeing a bronze version version of Zane, I must see what he is! 

Quickly I run up to him(Echo), and pick him up. 

"WOAH! Your strong for a human, Y/n." Blink. Okay... I smile, and pick up Ava, begin dragging Robin, and walk out of the dinning hall. Ava clings to me like a koala, and Robin is holding my hand like a child. Echo is just not moving, kind of like a doll.

Sitting in the mini court yard, 2 children, and bronze robot sitting in a circle with me. When a squire - bot approaches.

"Robin, about the- who is that robot?" The squire - bot looks at the bronze one in front of us.

"Greetings, my name is Zane, but all of my comrades call me Echo, it is a pleasure to meet you."

~Time skip~

I'm hungry, and it is not time for meals, also everyone is in the training area... so... How much trouble will I be in if I was to enter Axl's lair, or the kitchen? 

Let's find out! 

No One's POV : 

Y/n uses her ninja skills to quickly and quietly enter the kitchen, she rings her silver bell, signaling to Chef Eclair that she wants food. So he quickly and quietly slides next to her little silver bell (Fav Food), before going back to work. 

Y/n quietly grabbed her food then went to the training room. Observing, though Wu and Garmadon were quick to notice her. 

"Y/n, why don't you join us?" Everyone looks at Y/n, and Lance quickly approaches her. He snatched her food, and Y/n freezes. 

Lance ran away, and "What the fuck?! My food! Come back here Lance, you're dead!" Y/n spent the next 20 minutes chasing around Lance. Until finally she backed him into a corner. Finally Clay got fed up and started another argument (Like the tsundere he is).

"Y/n! Where is your shield!?" Y/n ignore's him for a second, and in the blink of an eye is on Lances back. Lance begins screaming, and tries to make Y/n let go of his hair.

When all of a sudden she goes limp, Lance quickly catches them.

Y/n POV : 

I don't know where I am, but this place is darker than any shadow. That is, until I take that first step. Then from the darkness comes a pillar of light, the pillar was as red as blood, reached about to my waist. I looked at the top of the pillar, and I saw what looked like a tray that doctors usually have their tools on.

Upon closer inspection I see blood on the tools.

To be continued

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