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The heart can't lie even you summoned enermous power to shut it down. If you get hurt, the scars might never be healed.

in the cafe at somewhere else:

"Do we have to meet here?  And why don't we met at the bar? "

Kou put another packet sugar in his coffee making kirishima gulped in disgusted manner. 

"hand me over another packet."

"enough!" kirishima grab kou's hand before he could reach ice cubes in front of them. "you make me want to puke! Can you tell me about your riddiculous plan already? Sadly I lost track after that stupid stunt you guys pull through weeks ago! "

Kirishima grunt frustratedly. Well who not if he get the briefing another plan but being dragged into last minute change of plan.  He almost shot at the culprit who snatched kou from them that night. And now he can't believe he doesn't get even a proper apologize from this guy,  not even appreciation for his hard work?

"Aisy...  Kirishima~ kirishimaWhy don't you be at ease for a little ~ so uptight.

"Your plan is suck!" Kirishima cringe the way Kou swallows the ice cubes into his mouth and make him shivered with the sound cruchies coming from the man. Kou just grinned and continue to do so in order to annoyed him more.

He hate it when Kirishima acts like he was better than him.

"At least I got your king attention wasn't I?"

"You almost get killed!"

Kou look at him bored. Seriously? Mikhail also said the same, Feilong just nagging to him after Mikhail decided to become asshole and tattle on him, that assassin beauty... almost got his ears off from the nagging.

Now Kirishima too?!

Kou groaned while he can still hear Kirishima speak frantically in the background.

"Booooooringggggggg!" He rolled his eyes. Why can't these guys have a little faith in him? He knew they were expert about this stuff but hey? He learning and strategising too?

"Mikhail was there? And always be there?"

"Duhhh Kou... you can't expect him to be at your aid anytime! Did he just convert into your personal butler or what?!" He snickered when he saw Kirishima express his emotions animatedly. He did not expect Kirishima was this kind of person at all when he first make the deal with this guys.

A necessary pawn....

That's all he thought. Kirishima really a man of his words when he said he want to help him. Starting the first year of his path of redemption and until now. Kirishima still loyal and staying by his side.

But there's something he can't forget... and Kou will keep that in mind and prepared for the back up plan if Kirishima... hurm well you see... ever change his mind?

You just can't forget by the fact he betrayed Asami. His own boss and bestfriend. Kou should be expect And be ready by the all possibilities kirishima would do to him to.

His thought crashed when Kirishima handed something on the table.

A flash drive.

His smile bloomed on the face as the thing he waited was here. He stares at kirishima and smirk at him.

"This thing... is real?"

That earned huff from kirishima as the glasses guy felt really insulted by Kou's doubted. "Who do you think I am?some cheap informant? You should think better than that."

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