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Kirishima almost break the sweats because right now, Kou and Asami are having staring competition. He did not know who started it first but none of the boy/man looks like they weren't going to give up easily.

"I must say, for a mere dirty rat like you... sneaking in my club. You should just ask me to get you in, I can at least prepare a grand entrance for you."

Kou almost flipped his middle finger. But in the end professionalisms must be applied here. Like Mikhail once said 'manners maketh man' heck even Mikhail just one time follow the rules. Hypocrites...

"Well it's my job to disclosed your dealing into the light Asami-san. What you did was unacceptable after all and too juicy to  make it in front of the paper." Kou's smirk at the gasping he heard in the background.

What an ass lickers. Being under their boss shoes for long that no ones even dare to defying him. Motherfuckers.

Asami chuckle at Kou's feisty remarks. What an interesting fellas. "Then you must know what kind of danger you will got yourself into if you keep prying adult businesses right?"

"What are you talking about? Of course I know! Oh and what do you mean by 'will' Asami-sama? Does that mean you won't do anything to me then? Are you grown softie my king? No can do King, if anyone heard about this, your reputation is on the risk!" He sarcastically mocking Asami.

But Asami still doesn't show the emotion on his stoic face. Just a smirk sometimes but other than that was none. This man really masking himself perfectly.

To add fuel into the burning flames...

"Hurt me... kill me... like what you did to Takaba Akihito..." kou end his words with cold dead voice. As if he challenging Asami to make his move right now. He's baiting Asami.

It works! He saw Asami's jaw clenching and his crossed arm position being tightened, Asami trying to control his composures but it's not like Kou going to stop from baiting him. He got nothing to lose. If Asami was wise enough, he would wait until he caught Kou and dragged him to his warehouse and killed him there. If not, he could shot him with one bullet in the head and got lucky to meet with Aki. See? Nothing lose, but win-win situation for him.

Beside, if he dies he got lot of people who will carried his vendetta againts Asami.

People who eager enough to finished Asami for once and for all.

"So... may I suggest which place would be perfectly to finish me off? Like... the place where you kill Aki and dump him there?!"

Brakk! Suoh kneed Kou to the floor and Asami grabbed a fistful of kou's black locks and making him hissing in pain.

"Auch! Hehehe eager to finish me?"

"No, you're the one who insane enough to dug your own grave Fujisaki-san."

Kou look at asami with menacing gaze. "So this is how you put Akihito through? After all you guys did together? It so easy for you to tossed him away isn't?"

Asami look stunned for a moment before a sad and longing gaze swam across his eyes.

You don't have the right to look like that like you're the one who hurting the most. Kou wants to spit to his face real bad this time. But he still waiting for this ruthless man to respond even though he will get nothing in the end.



"What in the world-"

Asami quickly gave sign to kirishima asking him to search for the sources of the explosion sound.

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