chapter five

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3rd pov

two year knowing about supernatural (2001)(23)( February)

Mary  parker had driven two hours to sit in a bar to sit with an upset Spencer . she didn't know the reasons she was upset but she didn't ask, just was silent help, they drank talking about their normalities. They sat and chatted and slowly Spencer started to smile forgetting about the hunt that ended just a few hours prior to calling her only friends out to drink. Giggling at someone Mary had said Spencer figured that Mary was too drunk to drive home herself and it was nearing one in the morning she had texted Richard to pick up his wife , "Soo, any new men in your life?" Mary gave a drunk smirk at the girl before rolling her eyes at the Starks answer, "No." dropping  her smile and rolling her neck to get the kinks out of it she got mentality prepared for the love speech Mary was going to giver the girl on how she needed to find someone. No, not in this life.

 Sitting there she listened to the same speech she got every time Mary had gotten drunk off her ass, she slowly started to regret inviting the girl out and wished she just drank alone. perking up Spencer saw her bestfriends husband walk through the doors and approach the girls. She gave her best sorry eyes and let him deal with the drunken girl. "Hello ladies. Nice night seeing you here, you ready love?" Richard came to save the day, he wrapped his arm around his spouse  kissing her temple and smiling at Spencer. "Whattt? Nooo. Spence you bitch, calling Rich.'' the drunk girl stuck her tongue out at her rolling her eyes not wanting to go home. Rolling her own eyes at the obviously trashed girl she pulled her in for a hug and said her goodbyes and the same for Richard. Paying her tab and making her way outside she was stopped by Richard calling out to her from across the parking lot of the bar." Hey where you going tonight, we have a open room if you want." Mary hung off his arm no doubt whispering dirty things into his ears making him regret his decision on inviting spence over, but spencer inwardly cringed knowing how horny Mary got when drinking and said " No thank you I will be staying with and old friend don't worry about me, I'll be good." she lied through her teeth knowing Richard didn't know Mary and May were her only friends.

Walking away she could feel the weight of the last two days hunt dropping down on her shoulder making her tired, not knowing where she was actually going to be for the night she just got into her car and drove to the nearest hotel for the night, unlike tony Spencer couldn't care less if it wasn't five stars or not.

After getting the key, she went to her room and locked the door behind her and immediately crashed on the bed and was out like a light.

Three months later

Richard had called Spencer yearly that morning to check up on Mary as he had to work and May was on a trip and she was the only person available to check on his wife, of course she said yes and was currently driving a 22 minute drive from Brooklyn to Queens. (I looked it up)Having some form of knowledge from living with May and her late mother both being a nurse( looked that up too) so she was currently on the phone with Mary asking about how she felt. Thoughts running through her head on if she had a common cold or a fever or strep throat when it hit. She could be pregnant. It seemed to have hit the married woman too as she had whispered a small "shit" under her breath. "Spence. You know that five you owe me?"

"Yeah I do, I think we are having the same thoughts, don't worry I'm here I will be there in five okay?"

After having a odd interaction with the cashier when buying the test she made it to the house and the first thing she did was hug the girl then put the box in her hands and waited, neither of them talking for not wanting to jinx it, Mary and Richard have been trying for months and haven't seemed to get blessed so the fact she might be was a big deal. Mary come out of the bathroom a few minutes later and sits down on the floor with her friend in front of the bathroom door and sets the stick face down on the floor spencer set a timer and they waited. When it went of Mary scrambled for the stick and froze at the answer, after a few minutes of studying her face Spencer couldn't tell if it was happy tears or upset ones till Mrs. Parker lunged forward wrapping her arms around the girls cheering, yelling that this was positive. Cheering with her friend they scrambled up and started to excitedly get out the supplies they had stored away for the surprise for Richard when he gets home and gets the news. 

Taking them all day and just as his car pulled up to the driveway they finished setting things up in the house and they both got ready, Spencer pulling out her camera and started filming as Mary had the test in her pocket. Richard walked through the front door expecting to be met with the girls in the bedroom with Mary stick in bed and Spencer caring for her but instead got met with the sight of the house decorated with blue pink and white balloons and little decorations around the house in the same color coding and in the middle of the room he saw his two of his three favorite people standing in the living room

"babe why aren't you in bed your sick, and what with the party you should be in bed resting love." he came up and kissed her temple not noticing the small object in her hand. "Hey spence why are you recording, is she not sick? I thought she was- wait your recording "he said pointing to Spence then to Mary" and you, you have a huge ass smile and there's balloons and décor around the hou-wait no it cant be- are you serious!"  Nodding excitedly Mary showed him the small stick and threw her arms around his shoulders. them both having her moment Spencer stopped recording and joined the hug earning a laugh from the couple. 

"I'm going to be an Aunty!" Spencer exclaims to the two of them. they all laugh and discus how to surprise May and her husband Ben, Richards brother. they spent the rest of the night together before Spencer claimed she was tired and headed home. wishing she could find love too, but she guesses that she was hopped enough to fuck but not to date, and wouldn't accept the fact that every man that approached her either left with a new forming bruise for rejection.

(1194 words) okay sorry about the long intro into the main part of the story but next chapter brings us into it.

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