chapter one

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Flashback  (age 13)1991

The only feeling that was going through Spencer starks head when she heard the news from the family butler Jarvis.  Spence never was one much for emotions usually she was pretty good at masking, but when she knew they were never coming home and she would never see them again she couldn't help but throw herself into his arms and silently cry.

The older stark drank and partied away the pain and responsibilities. She watched him drink till he was beyond blacking out she was forced to watch her brother  slowly fade away becoming heartless , he didn't care for her only who he was going to have in his bed with him next. there would be nights where she would wake up screaming or crying from yet another nightmare and instead of her older brother running to see what's wrong it would be Jarvis on the rare nights he was here and not at his house with his wife, the only times Tony did was when she was too loud or the girl of the night made him get up to check on her, but she never was comforted those nights so little Spencer tried not to sleep instead she threw herself into her schooling and work, trying to escape her night terrors. 

Jarvis was worried for her and tony but he knew she would wear herself to death if she kept doing what she was so he tried his best to help the two, but no avail. his only option was to just make sure they didn't die.


A year later later Spencer Stark graduated at just 14, it was one of her most proudest moments, and her one wish was for her brother to be there on her graduation day to see her in her cap and gown, but when she was on her stage he wasn't there next to Jarvis who had his wife next to him, she choked back her tears that people thought was because of her graduating but was from disappointment, she made her speech and sat back down finally understanding he's never going to be there for her, so she stopped her crying and decided she didn't need them anymore, she would take the company and she would become a scientist like she wanted to.

looking at her phone she saw she got a text from Jarvis saying " I'm sorry." she just scoffed and put her phone away, he shouldn't be apologizing for her brother.

 later when she came home she walked to his room to see him sleeping in his bed, walking to the kitchen she filled a cup of water passing Jarvis who just watched her go back up the stairs to toys room knowing what she was doing, shaking his head he just walked to the kitchen and pulled out the stuffed to bake cookies.

Spencer made it back to his room and walked over to the bed feeling good about what she was going to do, so she did, she poured the cup of  ice water all over him and his bed scaring him awake, "Spencer! what the hell!" Tony jumped awake glaring at his sister only to be met with a pissed spencer dressed in a cap and gown, realizing this he picked up his phone that had  six missing calls from Jarvis and groaned, "Spencer I'm so sorry I didn't plug my phone in and I didn't wake to my alarm, what can I do to make it up to you?" he says whipping his face of water.

"Nothing. You cant do anything, I asked one thing from you tony! One thing and you couldn't  even do that, you know what I'm not surprised, you haven't been here for me over the past five years never once have have tried to help me I would wake up screaming and you'd yell at me from the next room to shut up because I was ruining to mood, I'm so sorry m screaming from night terror was ruining your sex. I cant believe you, you don't care for anyone but yourself do you? you realized Jarvis cleans up after you and your parties every time you throw one? did you know that? He's not your personal butler tony! Grow up! You were too busy fucking some random girl and drinking your life away while I was studying my ass off and Jarvis was with his wife and Obadiah was running the fucking company that YOU are supposed to help ME run in a few years, mom and dad are dead and their never coming back okay?" there were tears streaming down her face at this point and tony was just there in a soaked back forced to watch guiltily as he realizes how much a fucked up.

"Its not like they were here anyway they were shitty parents who wanted too much from us, we are all you have left so grow the fuck up and be my brother." Spencer throws the cup at him and storms out of the room. 

later that week she got accepted into engineering Massachusetts institute of tech in Cambridge Massachusetts,(the same institute tony went to and got three doctorates in engineering physics in the comics) and she left Tony behind to his partying, and letting Jarvis have one less trouble to look after.


Nearly six years after Spencer got the painful news the 20 year old Stark  was in her parents room looking through their things to make sure nothing was messed with as Tony had a party at the house the night before and didn't lock the door. Luckily no one went in and messed with things or did anything. she was home from the institute after getting her doctorate in engineering physics. When she got home and learned tony had stepped up to the plate three years ago and took on being CEO but wasn't surprised when he was still known famously ass the billionaire playboy philanthropist.( she was a silent partner )

Currently she is laying on the floor she was looking under the bed for any thing to pack or get rid of if needed or in other words she was snooping. I mean they had to have secrets they were always gone and would lie very obviously on multiple occasions on their whereabouts after meetings they flew out to  As she was pushing things around her hands hit a heavy wooden box and curiously Spencer shifted her body to and upright position and pulled the box out. It was a old worn down with age wooden chest that had a big lock on it sealing it closed.

After looking at the lock she comes to realize she cant bust it open with her hands so she gets up swaying from moving too fast and walks out of Howard and Maria starks room and down the hall into hers. But before going to her room she makes a pitstop to Tony's room and sees him past out on his bed with a blond next to him, wrinkling her nose, Spencer stumbles over to her desk and pushes thing looking around for her lock pick case. Finding it under a few pieces of paper and what looks like garbage, letting out a small cheer she quickly walks back to the chest and goes to work opening it. Of course being a stark gave her the smarts and skill to do anything she put her mind to, she was only struggling because she was hungover and was tired.

Really curious to see what was inside, she kept working and a few seconds later she managed to open the box coughing when dust flew out from opening it. Waving a hand in front of her face she peered into the chest.

Only to her disappoint she saw another box, all around it was covered in cloth with weird signs and writing on them.

She picks up the box and looks at it. It was a old box that looks like it was made from the same metal of the titanic. Running her fingers over the groves of the detail on the box she sees that it was a code activated lock and sighs then remembered that that type of metal doesn't do good in cold weather. So she ran to the lab of where her father worked on his floating car looking for her materials she needed.

Once grabbing everything she ran back through the house dodging the garbage from a party Tony had and nearly running into Jarvis when she was walking up the stairs. Yelling a sorry over her shoulder she got to her parents room and started to freeze the lock off . Once done she moved slightly out of the way of anything that could fly, and waited. Hearing the crack and the other sound of the lock busting open she yanked the top open and was highly disappointed to see two leather bound books and a weird looking gun under. Sighing she picked up one book she and undoes the binding and opens the book. looking at the first page and sees a weird human with black eyes and the word demon and how to kill one made her say three words.

"What the fuck?"

(1555 words)

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