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*HEY WHATS UP! Yes I actually updated, thanks to Dragonflyswow! Thank you for your support, and enjoy the chapter :)*


"Alfie?" Was my first word.

After the whole shooting incident of course. My whole body was aching, almost like the time I had the flu. I tried to sit up, incapable. I couldn't move.

"Alfie, please- Oh my God..." I squeezed my eyes shut, and opened them again.

Alfie was there.

"It's okay Zo." He looked sad.

I couldn't take sad at the moment. I stared at him and tried to speak, but couldn't.

"Alf. Alf." Was all I could say.

"Zo, it's okay. Calm down Zo. Zoe. Zoe, calm down." As he spoke his voice became louder and harsher, "Zoe. Stop. Now, Zoe I mean it. Calm down."

Suddenly, Alfie's voice turned into someone else's. His lips were still moving but he sounded like something from a nightmare.

I was already sobbing, and just sobbed harder. The voice was screaming now, Alfie swinging his head around, the voice screaming "Zoe stop. Zoe stop. Zoe you're going to die."

I just listened to the voice and realized it was a morph of all of the voices of the people that were close to me. Family, friends, chanting that I was going to die.

I had no choice but to believe them, it was the only thing I had at the moment. All of a sudden, I realized that I didn't know those people, all I knew was I was going to die.

The old me anyways.



"When will she wake up?" My voice was ragged and quiet, but the nurse replied none the less.

"We don't know, she isn't showing signs of a coma state, so soon? Within the next hour most likely." She smiled and walked away, down the corridor to help another patient.

Zoe's head was wrapped up and she had a broken arm. The doctor wouldn't know if there was any lasting effects until she woke up.

I walked into her room, which consisted of her bed surrounded by beeping and pumping hospital equipment, a couch, and small end table with a few information packets and a cup and pitcher.

I walked over to the table, poured a cup of water, and put it on the end table for when Zoe woke up. I sat at the edge of her bed, lightly touching her hand.

She jolted and moved a little bit and I jerked away. I wanted to cry, but my eyes stayed dry and clear.

Zoe mumbled something, her eyes slightly moving under her lids, "Where-"

"Shh, Zoe, it's okay I'm here." I stood up and bounded to the door, opening it and calling down the hall for a doctor or nurse.

A nurse looked in the door, stepped out, and came back with a doctor.

"Hello Zoe, how are you feeling?" Zoe's eyes were still shut, but she shook her head.

"What? Where-" Her eyes finally opened and they widened in fear.

"Who are you?" She stared at me, trying to back away.

I looked at her with hurt eyes, "Zoe, I..."

Before I could finish the doctor touched my shoulder, "You should go in the waiting room."

I finally realized what was wrong, and nodded slightly. My feet felt heavy a s they carried me down the hall and to a vacant chair.

Zoe had forgotten me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2015 ⏰

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