Chapter 7: She Avoided Me

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Today had marked the seventh day since she left me during our walk to my house. I couldn't blame her at all. I had hurt her. I knew it. She had avoided me in every circumstance. If in the past, she will at least come to the cafeteria during lunch time, but now she didn't. When we passed by each other in the school, she will avoid my gaze. She will quickly look away.

She never greeted me with her warm smiles. She didn't come to my class to have chats with Chaeryeong and instead, Chaeryeong will come to her class during lunch times. I missed her presence very much. But who am I to complain? I am the wrongdoer here.

I could only watch her from afar. Minnie and Soyeon who had already known the story behind Ryujin's avoidance had stated that she should be acting like that. But I don't like it. I don't know why but I think I had started to fall for her.


"Yes?" Chaeryeong who was focusing to the teacher's lecture had stopped herself from making notes and turned her head to face me.

"Oh, I am sorry. You can just continue to focus on class. I will talk about it later." She looked at me weirdly, before continuing to focus on the class.

I wanted to pay my attention to the lesson, but something had prevented me from doing so. I can't stop thinking about Ryujin. Once the class had ended, Chaeryeong had tapped my shoulder which had me flinched over it.

"Lol, Hwang. You wanted to tell me something but then you are flinching over my gesture."

"Chae. When will Ryujin stop avoiding me?"

She sighed.

"Why do you want her to stop doing that?"

"I don't know. I missed her presence. I missed her company during recess. I missed to walk from school to the bus stop with her. I missed to have chats with her."

"But you are the one who was asking her to do that."

"No, I don't."

"Didn't you asked her to stop chasing for you?"

"Yes." I answered it hesitantly. I was afraid to hear what Chaeryeong was going to say.

"Then? Why do you want her to stop from avoiding you? You are the one who wanted it."

"I was asking her to stop chasing after me. Not to avoid me."

"She is in love with you, Yeji. How could she accept that after all these times, you are actually in a relationship with someone else? That she doesn't have a chance to be with you? I am sorry, Yeji. But Ryujin is my priority." And with that, Chaeryeong left me in the class and walked together with Ryujin and Lia that were waiting for her at the front door of our class.

Jealousy is ugly. And by that, I meant that it is the feeling of it. It creates a heavy sensation to weigh on your chest and sets your stomach on fire. It will cloud your mind. And I definitely and absolutely hate the feeling of it.

As the days passed, it had already marked a month since Ryujin avoided me. Each and every day since that day, I woke up in the morning with a complete of eagerness to come to school in order to meet Ryujin. But in each time I was able to meet her gaze, she will either turned to walk the other way or just passed by me, ignoring my shouts upon her. When there's a crowd and two of us, one slipped away.

It was nearing the exam week when I knew that Ryujin was having tutor sessions with Seo Soojin, one of the smartest students in the world. Okay sorry that was an exaggeration. She was one of the top students in the school. However, it bothered me. I don't like the situation where Ryujin will be with another girl other than either Chaeryeong or Lia for hours in the library.

I shouldn't be bothered with such situation as I was the main reason on why Ryujin had avoided me in the first place. But I couldn't help it. I knew that I had started to fall in love with her. But I already have a boyfriend. And I forgot to mention that Yeonjun had practically called me every day just to make sure that I was okay. He was too caring and loving and I felt guilty on betraying him.

And I was at the library, spying over Ryujin and Soojin. I stopped looking at them when I saw both of them were laughing happily. My heart broke into pieces when I saw Ryujin's whiskers that were formed for Soojin. I missed those whiskers of hers. I missed to hear her chuckles. I missed to see her smirk. I missed her company. I really missed her presence in my life.

Suddenly, our gaze met. She quickly averted her eyes to meet Soojin's. They continued to have chats and I couldn't bear it. I gathered my things in my bag and quickly left the library as fast as I could it hurts me. It hurts me to see that Ryujin was happy with someone else other than me. But it was all because of me. Who am I to regret such things?

On the next day while I was discussing with Chaeryeong, Minnie and Soyeon regarding our group project in Minnie's house, an unknown number had called Chaeryeong. She then excused herself to answer the call.

A few minutes after, she came back with tears flowing non-stop from her eyes. She cried really hard and the three of us were speechless, not knowing what to do. I shifted my position to sit beside her, hugging her from the side while patting her back. I don't know what was going on, but i knew that she needed it.

After about fifteen minutes, we heard a knock from the front door. Chaeryeong quickly ran towards it and was followed by us. There, I saw Lia, also with teary eyes. Together with her was a tall blonde, which was later being hugged tightly by Chaeryeong.

"Unnie. I couldn't believe that something had happened to her." The tall blonde that cried as hard as she could. Lia hugged the two of them and tried to walk them towards her car. She then drove away, leaving the three of us in confusion on what had happened that had made the three of them bawling their heart out, being a crying mess.

"I think something had happened to Ryujin."

"But why Ryujin?" I asked Soyeon, confused on the mention of the name that I missed the most.

"The tall girl is Shin Yuna. Her little sister. I am slightly worried right now. I couldn't lie about it." Minnie responded with a frown on her forehead.

My heart sank. My worries started to pile up, when suddenly Minnie's phone rang. She quickly answered it. she suddenly flopped on the floor; tears started to form on her eyes.

"We need to head to the hospital." She stated, quickly standing up from the floor, searching for her car keys.

"What had happened?" Soyeon asked while locking the house.

"Ryujin was knocked by a lorry on her way to the school." 

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