Chapter 29: Life Without Ryujin

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My days felt lonely after Ryujin broke up with me. Ryujin didn't pick me up for school after that. Even on the phone, I never spoke to her again. I feel as if I've lost everything.

I was in such a foul mood. There didn't seem to be any more enthusiasm for the new days that were coming. Fortunately, my mother was always there to support me. Mrs. Shin had also always encouraged me to be patient, even over the phone.

I miss her and can't stop thinking about her. To be honest, I'll never forget it. I can't get rid of the fondest memories of my time with Ryujin. It was difficult to forget someone who had played such an important role in my life.

It hurts a lot. It makes me feel depressed, helpless, restless, and confused, and I always wonder if I'll ever see her again. Okay. I know I'm not dating her anymore, but I'm still hoping to keep in touch with her, even if only as a friend.

"Yeji. Ryujin is moving out of Seoul." Jisu suddenly dropped the bomb, when the school had ended.


"She wanted to start afresh. She wanted to be far from her motorcycle gang, in order to stop from joining them." My heart fluttered. Not because she followed and listened to my advice, but because she was finally wanting a change.

Days passed and there was no news about her. I am still close to Yuna and her parents, though. They were like my family. But I refrained myself from asking about her. I don't want to meddle in her new life. She wanted a new start, so do I, even if that means that there will be no more Ryujin in my life.

As long as she was happy, and as long as she is safe. I will always be contented with that. I asked Mrs. Shin to only talk to me about Ryujin if anything bad happened to her. It had been months since she moved outside of Seoul, and still no news about her, which means that she is healthy and nothing bad had happened to her.

After graduating from high school, I was accepted to Seoul University and began my studies there. Ryujin was also accepted into one of Seoul's state universities, which I heard from Yuna. I was overjoyed to know Ryujin whom I had always worried about neglecting her education, had been admitted into the college of her choice.

After that, I moved into a dorm that was provided by the institution. I would still call Mrs. Shin and Jisu every now and then, but it'll only be for a brief conversation. And at that time, I was close to Minho.

Minho was my senior. I was enrolled in the same class as him. He's two years above me. We became friends after meeting in the Student Activities Unit.

Minho and I shared the same problem at tat time; we were both sad since we had broken up with our girlfriends. My acquaintance with Minho then proved to be really beneficial. It means that we'll be able to support each other, as well as providing emotional support to one another.

From merely being friends, it evolves into something deeper, being caring for one another, and eventually into a relationship that is dependent on one another. So, Minho announced one day that he had fallen in love with me. It doesn't bother me in the least.

I was finally going out with Minho. To be honest, I never really expected it to happen, but it did. When Minho finished his bachelor's degree, he attempted to continue his studies at the same university for a master's degree while working in a huge corporate office in Seoul.

To be honest, I felt like my life had returned to normal after meeting Minho. Before that, I felt like everything I did was pointless. My heart is torn and broken.

I felt like I was withered after breaking up with Ryujin. I'll never forget when I broke up with Ryujin and my mum came into my room to console me as I was crying. I used to call Ryujin's name every time I went to bed at those time. I woke up feeling terrible and go to school feeling much worse. 

But now, all the pain was gone.

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