'That' kind of doctor : Spencer reid

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He'd gotten his degree in medicine during his six month sabbatical, it was deemed necessary for him to 'recover' away from work. After all he was kidnapped a second time, god damn copy cats. He didn't understand how forcing him to stay home alone for six months was going to help in any way. So, he signed up for the classes right away and got to work, he knows what everyone will think. 'Did you really get a medical degree in six months it's not possible' and he'd fix them with his famous knowing smile and one of them-most likely JJ-would point out that 'they are talking about Spence'.

So he put off telling them when he returned to work on Monday. He was greeted with warm hugs and Italian kisses, courtesy of David Rossi of course.

"What have you been up to pretty boy?"
"Nothing really"

He knew he should tell them, but they'd find out eventually and it's not necessary information.

They did in fact find out soon, the whole team sans Garcia was called to Detroit Michigan. Three bodies had been found boxed up in the walls of newly renovated homes. They had no idea how many more there were but at least they had a lead. One company worked all three construction sites, and within a day and a half they had figured out that the unsubs name was Taylor Mannigan. He had grown up in an abusive household which taught him from a young age to fight. When his father left and his mother overdosed he had joined a series of fight clubs. In licensed fight clubs of course, which made it that much harder to find where he was going, but with Garcia it was done relatively quickly. They had found his apartment and Job location, Hotch told JJ, Emily and David to check out his job. He, Reid and Morgan went to his home.

They found the house empty, except for a note on a single chair in the middle of the room. There were boxes lined the walls but that's what was strange, they were pushed against each wall almost like a ring in a boxing match. Hotch dialed David's number to let him know they'd found nothing, the signal cut out on the third ring.

"Shit" Morgan hissed noticing the bars sliding down the windows. Reid thought he heard a humming noise.

"How the hell" Hotch asked, brows ever furrowed.

"How can he do this, nothing in the profile talked about being technologically advanced. Either he has a partner or we were wrong but either way the profile was way off. We're stuck here now and it looks like he cut off the signal but at least the lights are still on-"

"Reid, breathe" Morgan said putting a hand on his shoulder. He looked away from Morgan's face and towards where Hotch was moving over to the bars. He watched as Hotch reached his hand out to touch the bars, Reid realized too late that the humming was coming from the bars. Before he could warn him Hotch's hand closed around the bar before he was shot a small distance backwards.

Reid acted on instinct, the hours of medical training with trauma had taught him there was no time to hesitate. His fingers found the pulse point and found the faint hint of a pulse, sighing in relief he bent down and placed his ear near Hotch's mouth and heard the light breeze. At least he's alive, thought Reid as he sat back on his ankles.

He didn't have enough time for relief though because he heard a grunt of pain and turned to find Morgan on the floor, a knife sticking out of his left thigh. Reid reaches for his gun, only faintly registering Hotch sitting up and grabbing his own gun. The gun was pointed around the room, and behind every box.

"The profile is so off, he was strictly a hand to hand killer. He'd never use a knife" with Hotch's reminder of the knife imbedded in his brother-not-brothers leg. He dropped to his knees and ordered Hotch to pass him his tie. When he felt the fabric in his hand he brought it down and tied it around his leg, just above the wound. Tying right despite Dereks pained gasps when he woke up.

"You're going to be ok Derek, the knife didn't hit an artery, the arterial blood is a lot brighter red and as of now the blood is darker. The knife is acting as a tamponade and as much as it hurts we can't take it out yet. Just lie back he team will be here soon. He moved his hand over to Dereks wrist and pressed his fingers to the pulse point. Taking mental note that this was Dereks heart beat when panicked. He could use that later, if something ever happened again, and considering the job he had, it probably would. Nope scratch that, definitely would.

Now Spencer's knowledge of what to do wasn't surprising to the men. They knew he had an eidetic memory and it probably had something to do with a little 'light reading'.

It wasn't until the team got them out, arresting both unsubs. Apparently the profile was right, but about one of them. The other was technologically advanced and couldn't punch with any meaning. Spencer has hopped aboard the ambulance with Derek and Hotch. The paramedics asked his questions about the situation which he answered with ease. Leaving an oddly baffled Hotch.

When they got to the hospital they took Hotch away to check the electric damage done to his body. When Spencer let them know he was legally allowed to practice medicine the chief gave him privileges to work along side the resident nurses and doctors. He gave input when necessary and held a clamp to one of the bleeders when the vein burst. He was lucky the man missed the artery.

By the time Derek was fixed the whole team, including Hotch-who had been cleared-was staring at him.

"What?" He asked trying to fake confusion.

"You're a real doctor" Emily said.

"Well yeah, I have a degree in medicine so i believe I am"

"Wait since when" JJ asked.

"The end of my sabbatical."

"That was only six mon-" Rossi started but was cut off by Hotch.

"Dave this is reid we're talking about" so not JJ but his predictions were mostly correct. This makes you incredibly useful in the field Reid, have fun never loosing this job"

"So much fun" he chuckled and sat with them as they waited for Derek's 'prison sentence' as he explained over dramatically. He'd have to stay for a week before he could leave in a wheel chair. He groaned and practically fell into the mattress. The rest just laughed and promised to stay.

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