"Seriously, people can be so dumb at times!" He shouted loud enough for me to hear. "Jimin and that includes you. You didn't give it much thought when you followed me all the way here" listening to him saying all that, It didn't take long for me to grow conscious of how far I was from the cafe. My mouth gape open, to think i would tail him this far. Shit!

"Ch-Chung-ho. What a surprise I'd found you here!" I greeted causing him to chuckled and approach me. I kept having this feeling that he is bad news, so without much thought, I start to back away the moment he tries to get near me, and slowly place my hand in my pocket to pick my phone out.

"Say~ Jimin did you ever wonder why I became your friend?" He asked, for a minute I speculate about the question, and couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"Were you ever my friend in the first place. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am not that bored" I sassed and hide the phone behind me, then slowly  dial the number in.

"You know. This is why I like you the most Jimin, for a short skinny boy such as yourself, you have a quite a sharp tongue" he cracked as I rolled my eyes.

"For a handsome boy such as yourself, you are quite dense, It's better you give your trait to someone who have a brain, because clearly you don't deserve it" I shot back and he didn't looked the least bit happy at my remarks, even if he still had that smirk on his face.

"I see you are good at making a person angry".

"I have plenty of awards to prove that statement".


Jungkook had just finish paying for the goods and receive his check; and with a kind bow to the cashier he went to find Jimin, the moment his gaze went over the table, the two cups of drinks fell out of his hands, some strangers who saw what happen landed him a stare and went about their businesses, and some others even went up to ask him if he was okay, during all the commotion the boy didn't even spare a glance at the people around him. All that was in his head was where Jimin had disappear to. The boy didn't waste anytime to run out of the cafe shop, at first he take his time to looked around for over 10 minutes, but didn't found any signs of him, he then proceeded to call his phone but it all went to voicemail, Jungkook began to panic. Repeating the same method over and over again. Soon it click in his head.

"I-I feel someone watching me. U-Unless I am being delusional".

The vivid moment of that specific time cause Jungkook worries to take a great peak. He stood there blankly not knowing what to do. After half an hour trying to clam hiself down he reach back for his phone, searching for a different number. As soon as he called it, another came up cutting the previous call off. Out of confusion he move it from his ear and gaze down at the phone, a gasp left his lips before he answered the number. Not giving him a chance to say anything the person relentlessly talk.

"Jungkook! Jungkook!" This hightened my interest at the sound of his voice. He sound like he was running from something. Even if he get through to his calls, this didn't make Jungkook worries go away the least bit.

"Jimin! Where the fuck are you. I've been looking for you endlessly, all over the place, for more than an hour now. Jimin! Jimin!" I shouted his name again but instead of hearing him answer, a loud drop to the floor was heard causing me to welp up in fear.

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