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Perched at the edge of Beth's feet Aurelia March sighed listening to the endless complaints of her younger sister Amy.

"Why can't we all go? It's not fair!" She whined, looking at the eldest sibling with saddened eyes. Meg sent her a soft smile and continued fumbling with her shoes, sharing chatter with Jo.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll be miserable the whole time in your absence" Aurelia smiled engulfing the blond in a hug. Amy smiled in return, letting the idea go momentarily and accepting that she wouldn't be attending the dance.

"As you should" she huffed, leaving the embrace. Earning a chuckle from Aurelia as she threw on her coat, meeting Meg and Jo at the door.

"Let us embark on this dreadful journey" She sighed linking arms with the older siblings as they headed out the door and off towards the dance. The night was brisk and the sun was setting - it's colours painting the endless sky. Different shades of purple, orange, and yellow plastered everywhere on the horizon. It's sight burning in back of the third eldest mind.

Aurelia March had an eye for detail, admiring things simply as how they were - embracing their uniqueness. A girl with such a love for the little things that surrounded her, would only describe herself as average. Mediocre at everything she does. However her family would describe her as much more, for everyone has a depth that only a few special souls can see.

"You'll have fun Jo" Meg persisted "as will you Lia" she added pulling the girls along at a quicker pace, the house coming into view.  It was a beautifully house. It was lit up from bottom to top, the liveliness from within seeping out. And it was accompanied by a simple porch that swung around almost the whole structure.

"Oh we'll have a blast, right Lee?" Jo answered, her voice laced with sarcasm. Sighing Meg shook her head. These types of events meant a lot to the eldest girl. Nights where she could feel like she fit in and dance the night away with a worry less mind. Frowning Aurelia leaned into the girl.

"I can't make any promises, but we'll try to enjoy ourselves" she spoke quietly, which erupted a snort from Jo.

"Speak for yourself" she muttered, earning an nudge from the younger girl. "Ow".
Reaching the steps of the house each March girl shook off their coats hanging them up. As they all walked through the lingering bodies in the hall Meg began recounting what seemed like an infinite amount of reminders for each of her sisters. Reminders of how to act and what not to say. Just as Aurelia was about to make a remark about how it shouldn't matter how they spoke, a lady greeted Meg pulling her further into the house - towards the dance floor.

Meg was dressed in a deep violet, that fit her gracefully. Jo was in a lovely shade of red, that accompanied her fiery mind. Which left Aurelia in a dress the shade of a stormy sea - a dusty light blue.

"She'll be dancing all night, every boy here would be lucky to even get near here" Jo stated as the pair followed their eldest sibling towards the dancing room. The idea of 'love' and Meg together never sat right with Jo. Something her and Aurelia had in common was that they both thought no one would ever be good enough for Ms. Meg March.

They made it through to the doorway of the main room. It was crowded with people, all wearing dresses of different patterns. Aurelia noticed that plaid seemed to be a favourite amongst a majority of the girls. The boys kept to a classic black and white attire, almost all of them paired with a lady on the floor. It was then that she spotted Meg already accompanied by a man in the centre of the room dancing to an upbeat Melody that reminded her of Beth. She made a note to remember the feel of the song, so that she may recount it for the youngest March girl later.

Leaning against the doorway opposite to Jo, the March girl watched the room progressively lose space as more people filled it. The endless buzz of pointless chatter felt like an irritating blur under the music that played continuously.

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