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Tetsuya's pov

It's been a month since I been here at seidou. I really like it here. I made it into the first string. I got to know the third years. Who knew Chris-senpai was a talker, he told all the third year who were on the baseball team about me and they all came searching for me at dinner a week ago. I wonder how riko-san, teppei-senpai and hyuuga-senpai are doing?same with ogiwara-kun. He said that he'll be coming here for baseball next year saying it's not fun without me around whatever that means

Right now I'm walking with Aoi to the baseball field. Oh I forgot to tell you we started dating a week after I transferred,we got to know each other and you know from there. So we're walking with our hand intertwined. We still haven't told the rest of the baseball team were dating yet and we told the first years people that are in our class to keep quiet and understood so that how come no one knows yet. Until a very annoying first year just HAD ruin our streak.

"EH!! OI WHY ARE YOU TWO HOLDING HANDS? ARE YOU TWO DATING? OI TETSUYA HOW COME YOU NEVER TELL ME!!" the brunette first year yelled more like screamed so now everyone knows

Great just great. Hear my sarcasm. Oh well can't be helped

"Kuramochi special Thai kick!! How could you keep this from us haaaaaah!? How long have you two been dating?It's only been what a month or 2 at most you've been here and your already dating someone. Dude not cool. I thought we were bros!!!!" The greenette started screaming into my ear. You could see tears threatening to fall. Not for me but probably that someone is now dating one of the team cute or hot managers

"The reason i didn't want to tell anyone on the team is one because of this whole scene you guys are making. Two because we don't want the attention and three because we wanted to keep it to ourselves until we wanted people to know. We've been dating since the week after my transfer" they all had wide eyes even gramps

"Tetsuya!!!" "Yes gramps" all I saw him do is walk in front of me and put a hand on my shoulder "Good job. You finally did it. Also your mom now owes me ¥300" " don't you owe Tetsuna ¥200 and I ¥100 because you lost the 2 bets from us" " I thought you forgot about that" " Of course not it runs in the family"

"Wait you guys all made bets between eachother" one of the baseball players said " Yeah everyone in the family does it but only between our family members so we don't drag people into this" "oh I see then aniki you owe me ¥100 then" " dam I lost this one fair and square" the older kominato handed the younger kominato ¥100 from his pocket

"Wow so you guys also placed bets too"

" Haruichi and I had our suspicions so we placed bets on to when they would get together.  I said by this week and Haruichi said either week after he came here or the week after"
"Dam you did loose fair and square ryo-san kyahaha"

"Who knew Haruichi could make such a huge gamble like that" the former captain of seidou said

"So you guys placed bets on me. Well then I'm glad the people in my class kept it secret"


"He asked us not to tell because Akaashi-san and him were feeling uncomfortable when they first started dating because of our classmates in class. She didn't like being the center of attention and Tetsuya-kun knew that so they asked us to keep it on the DL until they both were ready" Natsu defended them and himself. I felt sorry they had to be drag into this as well

"Fine your forgiven since we all know Akaashi-chan can be quite shy and nervous around other people or the spotlight in general so we'll let this slide just this once" you could here the 3 victims breathed out the air they didn't know they were holding in

"Oi GET BACK TO PRACTICE!! CONTINUE WHEN YOUR ALL AT DINNER OR IN YOUR DORMS AND TETSUYA" "HAI!?"  I felt a little uneasy when he yelled my name like he was going to be serious but ment as a joke. No don't you dare gramps. Please don't tell me what I think your going to say

"Make sure to use protection. I don't want to be a great grandfather at this age just yet" he wanted to laugh right now I can see the ends of his lips turn upwards. The guys teasing me so I decided to turn it back at him

" You should've said that to dad then" he knew I got him good so I turned around and booked it to where all the other first string is. He looked so pissed but knew I was right. Oops I guess

Sorry short chapter

Well not much to say except hoped you liked this chapter and hoped to see you in the next

Annyeong 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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