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- 2 months later-
The photos above are of the kids Ian and Ava are babysitting
Ava's POV
Tonight I'm babysitting the neighbors 2 girls. But right now I'm at "the glee club Café" with my amazing fiancé!
Hey do you want to go to dinner tonight? Ian asked
I would love to..but I can't I say
Awe why not? He says
I have to babysit my neighbors kids. I say
Oh, do you want me to help you babysit? He says
Yeah sure! I say
* they go to Ava's house*
So Ian when do you want to get married? I say
Maybe summer since you know we do live in California we could have a beach wedding! He says
I love that Idea! I say
So like what month? He says
Maybe June? I say
Okay so like a day? He says
Um the 22nd! I say
Why the 22nd? He says
It was my old best friend Maia who moved to Miami's birthday! I say
Okay so we're going to get married on June 22nd 2015! He says
Sounds great! I say
I love you he says
I love you too I say
(While baby sitting)
Mack Mack MACK I say/yell ( she was jumping on the couches)
*she stop*
Who wants to see a live music video? I say
Me they both say in unison
Okay! Says Ian
(A/N in the video above Its Puck and Quinn and Ava's supposed to be Quinn and Ian's Puck)
*Ian starts playing the guitar and I start to Sing*

Papa I know you're going to be upset
'Cause I was always your little girl
But you should know by now
I'm not a baby

You always taught me right from wrong
I need your help, daddy please be strong
I may be young at heart
But I know what I'm saying

The one you warned me all about
The one you said I could do without
We're in an awful mess, and I don't mean maybe - please

Papa don't preach, I'm in trouble deep
Papa don't preach, I've been losing sleep
But I made up my mind, I'm keeping my baby, oh
I'm gonna keep my baby mmm...

Wow Ava that was great! Said Ian
Thanks I said
*they hug and almost kiss*
Hey don't get all mushy says Mack
*Ava Giggles* *Ian Chuckles*
Ian can you go change Emma please i say
Yes. But only because I love you! He says
Awe I love you you too but please go change the baby. I say
I'll go change her. He says
*Ian goes to Emma's room and changes her diaper*
So are you and him like together or something? Says Mack
Yes we are together and we are getting married in June! I say
Really? Why are you marrying him? Says Mack
I'm marrying him because I love him. I say
Why he's an idiot? She says
No he's not. I say
Whatever! She says rolling her eyes
Ugh she is so annoying she always criticizes him.
I just don't get it why does everyone always criticize Ian he's cute,smart,funny.

Hey guys! What's up I'm typing most of this at like 4:30 in the morning I really need to go to bed so goodnight guys!
Question: what do you think of Ian????

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