The fight

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Ava's POV
So what would you do if you found out Riker was you long lost brother? I asked Clara I would kill myself she said I would be like hey Riker where's Rocky I said (were walking to the band/chorus room to get Clara's instrument after school)
Clara's POV
Ughhhh she keeps on talking about R5
It's so annoying she talks about them 24/7 ughhh
Ava's POV
*talking about R5*
Ughhh Ava you just stepped on my shoe lace said Clara sorry Clara I said
Well you were talking about R5 R5 R5 that's all you ever talk about *she then madly walks away*
*feels like crying*
You know what I'm just gonna go watch Ian at basketball practice.
Ian's POV
I just saw Ava and Clara fight and Ava looks like she's about to cry. I wish I could just go over there and comfort her but sadly...I can't I have to practice
*Ava walks in to the gym and sits on the bleachers* I'll talk to her after practice.
Ava's POV
I watched him practice he was a great basketball player I always watch him play at recess everyday! Okay Guys Practice is over the coach yells
Ian's POV
Yes practice is finally over I'm gonna go get my stuff and go talk to Ava she looks so sad *picks up his stuff and walks over to Ava* hey babe what's wrong? I ask me and Clara got into a fight she said oh about what? I asked *puts his arm around her* *she snuggles into his chest* she said I was talking to much about R5. she said sadly oh babe it's okay I said cause she had started to cry I know it's just she's my best friend and me and her have never fought ever she says
It okay you'll still be best friends I mean I've fought with spencer millions of times and were still best friends I said at least I still have you she said
Awe thanks I said um Ava I know this is not the best time to tell you this but I'm moving WHAT?!? First I lose my best friend then my boyfriend she said
Ava I'm moving in the house right next to yours! I said oh my gosh that's awesome! Do you want me to walk you home I asked Can you she asked Sure my mom and dad are at the new house. I said okay great um do they know about us?she asked No they don't I wanted you to be with me when I tell them I said
awe okay should we tell them when we get there
Ava's POV
Uhh why am I so nervous about telling
his parents I mean my mom was cool with it but I don't really know his mom and dad I mean I met his mom in the 4th grade when Ian was in my class that was when I had a tiny crush on him and we were kinda friends I 4th grade I had an obsession with Justin Bieber (I DON'T like him at all anymore) and pokèmon he gave me a pokèmon card and I still have it!

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