Mark gives me an annoyed look and lifted me up by my arms. Giving me a small smile, he nodded his head in agreement. Just when Mark was about to say something, a young male nurse came out. Just by his looks, I could honestly tell he was handsome. He was tall, had a nice face, his jawline was good. I looked at his name tag, it read, [동의은/ 마크] Dong Yi Eun or Mark? Aight cool.

"Who would like to go visit Mr. Na Jaemin first? Two people may go." I glanced around the room, knowing everyone knew that I would like to go first. "Mr. Na? Would you like to go with me?" Jaemin's father looked up with surprised eyes. I smile and gestured for him to come with me.

We both walk in to Jaemin wiping his face, more like his eyes, but I really didn't think anything of it. He looked up at me and soon saw his father walking in as well behind me. Jaemin began crying and pulled the covers up hiding him. I frown and gripped the hospital blanket, pushing it back down again.

"He's not gonna hurt you, I'm here to protect you if anything happens, so is another policeman." I smile, planting a kiss on top of his head. He blushes and grins a toothy smile. His father nervously grins and walks slowly over to Jaemin. I keep a close eye on him to make he really doesn't try to do something.

The older man, hesitatingly embraces a hug with his son. Jaemin also returns the hug, the same way his father initiated it. After Jaemin did, I noticed a small sniffle come from someone. That someone wasn't Jaemin, but his father. I was a little shocked but, gave a sad smile at the two males. I could emphasize they're feelings right now. With all that Jaemin has told me on what had occurred in his family throughout his life, I could helping but shed small tears knowing he's finally getting the family love he deserves greatly.

At this point all of us were either heavily crying or lightly sobbing. Jaemin and Mr. Na pulled away from each other and the older man gave a small kiss onto of his son's head, just like mine from before. I'm just looking around the patient hospital room when I noticed a sticky note on the nightstand by Jaemin. I picked it up and fury rises within me.

{ Call me cutie xxxxxxxxxx you taste so good, would love for you to come a smd anytime again honey ;) }

I crumpled the sticky note and throw it in the trash can. "What did he do to you? Tell me what he did!" Jaemin widens his eyes, then realization struck him. Finally figuring out who and what I'm talking about, he lowers his head, and silently cries. "He made me suck him off, kissed me, whipped me, slapped me, and threatened me if I ever told anyone..."

That alone just made me flip. I could also see the anger in Jaemin's Father's expression. I speed walk out the door after  giving Jaemin a passionate kiss on lips and a cheek kiss. When I came out of the room, all eyes were on me. "Guys, get inside the room, if anyone tries to get in who we don't know, that includes the staff here, don't let them in, especially males. I'll explain later just get in now!" Everyone flinched at my harsh tone, but scurried in the Jaemin's room.

I look down the hallways and soon see that same nurse. I sprint with full force and tackled him to the ground. I grip his collar and speak. "You had the fucking audacity to sexually harass my boyfriend while he's vulnerable and weak from the beatings he experienced to be brought to the hospital?! What kind of fucking nurse does that?! You're a piece of shit! Fuck face!" I punch him in the face three times before I get pulled off by Mr. Na while the nurse is held down by the other police officer.

"Dong Yi Eun, or Mark Tuan, you are under arrest for violation of personal space and sexual harassment. Anything you speak could or will be used against you lawfully. Understood?" The guy just groans in response and lets himself be taken into custody, knowing he couldn't escape.

Mr. Na releases his hold on me and pats me on the back. "I'm glad you stood up and protected my boy. Thank you very much Sir Lee. I remember when you used to play with my little boy when he was younger. I saw all the happy giggles, goofy smiles, awh man...I reg-gret so much..." His voice cracks in the process of him talking. My tears fall again, remembering all the childhood memories I had with Jaemin. We both then go in for a hug.

We stay in the position for a bit before pulling away. The older man sighs before looking directly in my eyes saying the most unexpected sentence. "I really want you to marry my son. Make him happy. Make him laugh. Make him blush. Give him the love I couldn't as a father."

My mouth was agape. Eyes were wide open. Tears still softly falling. Without hesitation, I nodded in agreement, knowing that I'll love Jaemin till the end of time. Heading back to Jaemin's room, we were encountered with odd stares fr everyone. Jaemin and I make eye contact and he smiles, stretching out his arms, making grabby hands for a hug. I coo at his adorableness and embrace him in a hug.

"He's gone now. He won't hurt you again. At least not while I'm with you..." When I finished what I wanted to say, I could feel my shirt on my shoulder, near the crook of my neck become wet. I pout and rub Jaemin's back in circling motions. He hiccups but slowly calms down after a few seconds.

"Wait hold on, who hurt Jaemin? Who hurt my precious Jaeminnie? My wittle Minnie bear-" Jaemin furrows his eyebrows in confusion and cuts Renjun off. "Wait. Minnie Bear?" Renjun stops with everyone else in looking like they're frozen in time.

"Why does that name sound familiar? Hyung, why can I recognize that name you called me? Renjun hyung?" Renjun nervously rubs his nape before speaking again. "I-It's nothing! Nothing at all! Just a little something I-I came up wi-with on the s-spot! Don't worry my little Jaeminnie!" Renjun didn't want Jaemin to remember everything that happened in his past.

A lot of eventful and vivid memories are something I know Jaemin really wished he doesn't want to remember but, he's gonna find out sooner or later. His doctor said that he'll start remembering things at 20, he's 17 now. Might as-well tell him a few memories.

"Renjun, tell him..."

✨End of Chapter✨

i was gone for a bit cuz i had camp again but here i am :)
i hope this chapter is good if not i'll make it better next chapter. but btw next chapter is i think the last one😭
but i got a plot for another book which is going to be a tendery ff cuz nO oNe MaKeS tEnDeRy StOrIeS!

but yea :) cya! until next time loves!💕✨



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