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Welcome back silly Ollie's so today I'm going to show you some great things that help me when I am in the car for a while with my 4 year old son who has cp (cerebral palsy). Welp hold on guys Oliver is crying, I say standing up turning off the camera. Ollie where are you baby,I say looking for him. He comes out of his room. I-tripped and fall momma,he says crying holding his knee. Aw did my baby scrap his knee,I say bending down to look at it. Yeah I feel on the rug, he mumbled. Awww here let momma kiss it and make it feel better, I say kissing his knee. Better I say tickling him. Yeah,he giggled. Now mommy was making a video wanna join. Yeah, he says clapping. Alright come on. Ok guys I'm back with Ollie he got a booboo didn't you, I say looking down at him. Yeah. Yeah. Alright so let's keep going now.

*1 hour later*

Alright Ollie did you have fun filming with momma. Yeah me hungry, he says looking up at me. You're hungry. Yeah. Alright what do you want little boy, I say picking him up. Hmmmm, he said tapping his chin. Ice creammm. I laughed. Let's eat something else first. Fine. Grill cheesy. You want a grilled cheese. Yeah. How long will it take to get to the moon, he randomly asked. Well I don't know but it'd be long, I say laughing putting him in his highchair. I made him some food then once he was done eating he took a nap it was around 1:00 so he needed a nap. Alright ready to take a nap,I ask a very zoned out Oliver. Momma why can't lettuce talk to me. Hahaha. Well it don't have vocal cords to make it talk. Oh ok let's take a nappy now he said reaching up at me to get him or I if his highchair. Yes sir.

*10 minutes*

The house was quite so I decided to clean up some because having a 4 year old that has ADHD is crazy he swamps toys every second so he leaves them out everywhere. It was still peaceful until. *knock knock* I pit down some plates to go open the door to see the last person I wanted to see. Johnny. What do you want, I ask. You. He went to kiss me. What the hell johnny we broke up because of your stupid decisions I now know who regrets it's. Please come on Taylor, he says wrapping his arms around me. I slapped him. Don't ever think you have the fucking right to show up to my house unannounced and put a hand on me in any way do you understand me, I say getting closer to him as I say it. I-. Daddy! Oliver comes running from his room today him. Hey buddy, he says bending down to his level. Look I got a booboo, he said pointing to his leg. Uh oh what did you do. I feel, he told him and giggled. Silly man, Johnny said ruffling his hair. He was a great dad when he decided to be home and sober. Can daddy tuck me back in, Ollie asked with pleading eyes. I looked at Johnny. I guess. He takes of running with Johnny following. I went with them. Alright buddy have a good nap. He says kissing his head. Ok daddy. We walked out. Johnny was great dad when he was sober and not with someone else that's not me. But when he was like that he was awful he'd get drunk and be really rude and admit he was with someone else that night. So it's now time for you to go, I say going to the door. But tay-. No. There is not but Taylor to it you were the one who screwed things up. You who were drunk and gone and with everyone else except your son and wife, I say so get the hell out now I point to the door. But before I'll go have this he says,handing me an envelope. See you in court Taylor.

Dun dun dunnnnnn. How did you like it? Let me know

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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