Chapter 7

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Just read some more akatsuki stories on this app, and I'm officially inspired (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I hope you guys will like it since this is probably boring... ( I will accept any insults. I need it.)

After me and Deidara explained everything each other, I stated noticing my breath smelled like SMOKE. I then gently blew out some of my breath, but instead a small balloon-size lump of fire came out. I was surprised and scared, so I rushed to Itachi's room so he could check up on me. I left Deidara alone and shook, since he did NOT expect me to blow fire now.

Itachi checked up on me, and told me that it just meant that I was starting to develop the Uchiha chakra that we had. I sighed in relief, because I thought I was having a serious problem.

Then all of the sudden, Itachi said the unexpected: "(Y/N), you are the princess of the Sharingan, kind of like Hinata Hyuga, she is the princess of the Byakugan. Remember when you laughed evilly into your room and your eyes glowed green? Yeah, that means you are developing your powers because you are the princess of the Sharingan."

(Y/N): "OML REALLY? This is bad, this is bad, and this is BAD. I'm probably in danger of being killed, AND have a bounty on my head, right?! OH GOD WHAT TO DO, WHAT TO DO, WHAT TO DO?!-"

Itachi: "GURL, CHILL. THAT'S WHY YOU IN THE AKATSUKI. We wanted someone powerful, that has bounty on their head, that is popular for who they are. That's why we train you differently from everyone else in the organization. You must train harder, longer, and without stopping, more than anyone we have ever met. Please (Y/N), you must promise to me your will stay alive for future generations to see the Princess of the Sharingan, and a chance to meet her. You must protect everyone, and most importantly yourself."

(Y/N): "Wait, so I have like a NEW kyuubi inside me, that's based on a dragon?"

Itachi: "Yes, and YES. You have a kyuubi, called Dragonia. She is the twelve tails. You have not had a chance to meet her, unless you can find a way. Nobody knows she exists, so she wants YOU to show the world who you guys are, together. When I look at you, (Y/N), I see the story in your eyes. The night WILL shine upon you, Princess of the Sharingan."

My heart was racing. I had no idea what was going on. I ran outside and started to force all of the chakra out of me, until a big, lavender-amethyst, wine colored Dragon appeared in front of me.

The creature quickly curled with an innocent face until it got to my size, and it finally spoke: "Hello there, I am Dragonia. The Twelve tails that nobody knows that exists. I wish to train my powers with you, master."

(Y/N): "H-hi. I would love to train with you, and by the way, please don't call me master."

Dragonia: "Then, what should I call you?"

(Y/N): "You can call me (Y/N), or Aphrodite or even Angel, but don't call me 'Angel' when I'm mad."

Dragonia: "So, are we, like ... friends?"

(Y/N): "Yeah. Why?"

Dragonia: "So if I'm ever mad, can I like scream if I'm talking to you?"

(Y/N): "Yeah. Why?"
Dragonia: "Because it seems pretty unfair..."

(Y/N): "Yeah. Why?"

(Y/N): "I don't know. Even when I loose chakra, I feel fine."

Dragonia: "You are RARE, or probably even a LEGEND."

(Y/N): "Wow, thanks. I will take that as a compliment, and semi-insult."

Dragonia: "Ok...let's begin our training!"

I and Dragonia kept training for the rest of the day. It was fun, and Deidara and Sasori decided to see how much I improved, so they battled me. It was a bet actually, so the three of us got ready, except this time, Sasori and Deidara were the team, in which they called 'Art'. I and Dragonia were the team called 'A.B.W', which stands for 'Alpha Bad Women'.

It was nice and pacific, until Deidara exploded some TNT mixed with his C4 clay. Sasori and Dragonia gave him the ARE-U-FUDGING-SERIOUS-RIGHT-NOW face. I just stood there, since I was invisible trying to make Sasori and Deidara fall for my trap. I then noticed what he did and summoned Abelard. Dragonia IMMEDIATELY got jealous that I used Abelard instead of HER, and so I flew above then in circles, trying to cause a tornado so they would snap out of it.

As I flew over them, I realized Dragonia and Sasori where fighting each other, but where is Deidara? Then I felt something hold on to my shoe, and I realized it was Deidara super gluing some C4 clay on my shoe. I immediately ripped all my clothes off, including my shoes. That's when I revealed my costume, as I WAS the Spider-girl. I pulled my mask down and told Abelard to go back to her home. She disappeared in a poof, and I was left falling from the sky. I let myself fall until I reached tree-branch level. I threw a web and swung onto a branch. Then I remembered the dream I had last night:

"I had a dream. I could fly. I grew wings. I soared through the sky..."

I then snapped out of it and dreams are becoming nightmares. I was so scared that I accidently recited a spell: "Beware for swear, turn the puppet, into a gold chair..."

Next thing I knew, Sasori was a golden face on a chair made of gold. I kept reciting things and everything around me started changing. Dragonia then finally spoke: "OH HELL NO. She's reciting all the spells she knows. Sasori, you NEED to poison her. Everything will go back to normal then."

Sasori: "Very well then, that is what I will do since she is changing everything in this world."

Sasori the poisoned me and I crashed to the floor. I slowly closed my eyes, as I watched before me everything was coming back to normal.

Then, my eyes shut, and the last thing I heard was: "*screams*(Y/N)!!!"

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