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Thank you everyone so much! My story has 1.89k reads! Tysm! >U<

Now, because you guys supported me until the end of this book, I want to be able to give back to you guys. You know? Equivalent Exchange!

As some of you may know. I have been writing 2 other stories.

I want you guys to place in the comments below what fan fiction you would like me to write. I'm not doing this for fans or followers or anything like that.

I just want to put my talent to good use and make people happy :D

So if you have any fan fic you would like me to write, ill do it. As long as you message me it or comment.
It won't change to me if its a character I don't like. I want to be unbiased, so it doesn't matter if its a character I don't like
Same for characters I do like. Basically, the point of view and the opinions are not and will not be coming from me ME but it will be from Y/N.

I just want you guys to feel happy reading my stories and be interested and- you know what I mean, right? If you had a bad day and you come read from one of my stories, I want those bad feelings to evaporate and leave all your problems behind. I want you to escape to a new world when reading my stories.

I want to you to be happy reading this. I want you to read this and actually feel like your in the story. I just want happiness for all my readers. I want to at least make a fraction of this world a little bit happier. It may not be a lot of people, but just some is great ;)

Then again, thank you so just for the support and love and everything you guys have given me when writing these stories.

Thank you so much for reading and message me or comment on this chapter any new fan fiction you would like me to write.

Truly your best Author-chan!,

Xenia :)

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