~•°Make a Wish°•~

Start from the beginning

A few minutes later, out of the stall Amane looked at the mirror and saw... herself... still herself "i-i thought you did some sort of- magic" she asked him then Radish-Chan said "just changed your hairstyle using one of Nimo's precious ribbons!" He delightfully said as the Fish Spirit was trying to tug off the ribbon...
"So- why not try showing them what you are right now!" Radish-Chan Exitedly said. "Oh alright but if it doesn't work, i'm blaming your stupid plan!" Amane shot her words back as Radish-Chan looked un-appealed with what she said.... And then, after a normal (boring) class, Amane went to the bathroom... all wailing (dramatically) "THEY BARELY EVEN NOTICED MEEE!!" Amane Wailed as the face of disgust has showed on Radish-Chan's Face....
"Look this isn't my stupid plan's fault... not all wishes need a dash of magic! We're spirits we aren't fairy-godmothers!" and that made Amane sniff as she bet that Radish-Chan has hid alot of secrets on her... "then... proove to me. You can grant a wish without magic.... let's see what's inside your pockets!"
They emptied Radish-Chan's Pockets... to find a photo of the Student Council Broadcaster, Akanae Aoi... "L-Look- sh-she looks good a-and pretty" Radish-Chan explained "bet you stalk her like a pervert" Amane quietly said making sure Radish-Chan didn't hear... and thats when... she asked about a leaf. "Why do you have a leaf in your storage?!" Amane said. "Well- that- is a char- a collection! Yes! A Leaf Collection!" Radish-Chan said nervously... "oh really... no wonder it flashes on 4 different colors" Amane said as the leaf flashed, Pink, Green, Firey Orange fading to Yellow, and icy Blue. "Okay so don't you dare eat- i mean touch that!" Radish-Chan knew he spilled the tea but, he hoped Amane didn't and while Amane stared at him she immediatly threw of what looked like a shovel. Then Radish-Chan tried to catch it and the moment he looked away, Amane ate the leaf, not swallowing it, under her tongue, all okay. Then Radish-Chan came back and shouted "DID YOU EAT THAT LEAF?!" Amane, she talked with the leaf under her tongue, saying "maybe not~ maybe yeeassss~" that is where Radish-Chan went furious. "YOU ATE SOMETHING YOU DONT KNOW WHAT AFFECTS YOU?!WHAT IF IT WAS POISONOUS EH?!" Then... Amane revealed the leaf, all unswallowed and under her tongue. "Okay- spit that out" Radish-Chan said.
"Not until i know what it's effects are~" Amane said teasingly. Radish-Chan wished he hadn't slipped the word 'eat' and he said "okay spit that leaf out once i tell you" and Amane nodded.
"That Leaf, changes how a person sees you-" a loud gulp had been heard-
Oh no- and Amane has ran away to her classroom... she went in her classroom earlier than her classmates. And began to wonder what they'll think of her! Then she felt weird... as if she was shrinking... and then she believed that she was inhaling weird-air? And she found out... she was a little bonsai. All pink. Then, her classmates came in, eying her by a distance- "oh hey look! Someone tried to impress Yugi~!" One of the boys teased and a girl said "Maybe they got the wrong desk!" And a couple of gossips have filled the room...
They've placed Amane on top of the desk with the other potted plants...
"Its weird this tree has pink leaves during summer!" One of her classmates near the desk whispered.
Then... after 10 minutes... one of her classmates said "hey the tree's bearing green summer leaves now!" Then another, "maybe it heard us say its summer!" But as her leaves changed green she felt.... weaker? She knew she hasn't been watered yet and she wonders what if she was watered? or what if she dries out?! That's when she wished... she had never ate that leaf... another 10 minutes passed, her leaves turned orange, and she was weaker... then- her classmates were going home... except her. She wished for something better... that leaf could've made her more noticeable but not as a plant! Then... it was raining... but she's inside the school and she knew she was watered by....
"R-RADISH-CHAN?!" Amane said shockingly."You Naughtly little girl i told you not to swallow it! You could've died when you were drying up the last 40 minutes ago! And i had to explore every classroom and water them just to know which was you!" Radish-Chan sounded like a mother... a mother she knew she never had.
And that was when, she was back to pink leaves "now... shall i put in the compost?" Radish-Chan giggled and Amane knew she was going to be a plant...
Even worse is. Forever! She would have low hopes on graduating and become an astronaut!
Until a low pitched roaring voice was heard "i've found you~" and as the windows broke Amane was immediatly grabbed by branches?! Or Vines?! No- a Giant Tree!
Then... that was when Amane Screamed for help... "RADISH-CHANNNN HELP ME!"
"As you said you want to be noticed" he said calmly as if Amane wasn't in trouble....
"Ah yes! The magic word! Alright as long as you STOP SCREAMING LIKE A FREAK THAT COULD ONLY BREAK EARDRUMS OF SUPERNATURALS!" Radish-Chan said back as he reached in to grab... "and... if you only didn't throw my shovel, you'll be safe for now... but dont worry Nimo's finding it i just have to-" Radish-Chan dodges the attacks of this weird-'ugly'-and furious tree.
While dodging, Radish-Chan had explained what is this 'monsterous tree'?! "That's a Kodama!" Radish-chan had huffed. "It seems like he sees you as a pretty plant eh?"
"Wh-what does he mean by- me, a pre-pretty plant?" Amane asked
"He wants you as a bride-" Radish-Chan said as he dodged an attack.
The classroom battle's athmoshpere heated up, and as Radish-Chan had dodged the 24th attack, Nimo, the Fish Spirit, had came back with what looked like, a shovel? What's he gonna do with that?! Asked amane. Then as the Kodama grabbed the pot Amane was in, a slash across the trunk had been made. It wasnt just a shovel... it was a very sharp one... it was one of the odd things Amane had ever seen... a shovel that can cut?!
And there the Kodama has retreated as it's sap has flowed down its trunk...
"So- uhm... are you okay?" Radish-Chan asked Amane in a gulty tone. "Uh- yeah just- not human all- leafy..." Amane aswered more of in a saddened tone. She knew it was her fault... and therefore she deserved it
"Dont desire to be a tree forever... i know you understood my descriptions wrongly" said Radish-Chan "so- want to be human again? Before that Kodama comes back for you?" And this made Amane want to jump happily but she can't right now because she's still a plant.
"Of course Radish-Chan... i want to move not sit in one stupid desk" Amane said and, that was when...
Radish-Chan pulled another Leaf...
"So, i can't believe i'm saying this but- if you want to be a human again i may have to force you to- be my slave afterall you're a peasant" Radish-Chan has said as if he wanted some sort of stupid nanny to take care of him. "What?! No way i-" Amane stopped for awhile. "Dont'cha wanna be a human?" Radish-Chan said forcing Amane to say "yes i will... 'your highness'" Amane said in a dull tone
"Didn't really mean to make you my peasant but. Hey, thats a joke! You're my assisstant and... your wish will be granted. Uh-" Radish-Chan looked at Amane then Amane realized what He's waiting for... "im Amane. Yugi Amane."
Therefore Radish-Chan swallowed the leaf. "I see you as my assistant now. Not some sort of stupid dumb schoolgirl" Radish-Chan said. Joking to Amane. "Its fine everyone calls me stupid and dumb.... even... mo-" Amane said and stopped for awhile "oh, it's 6pm! I-i've got to go!" And there, Amane had rushed and on the gate, she said "Thank you Radish-Chan! See you Tomorrow i guess?" And those words were the last one out of Amane's mouth.. as Radish-Chan on the entrance didn't wave, watched Amane vanish until she went on...
"oh Nimo... She acts as if we're already close friends..." and there is where they've called it a Wish granted, but the Desire... Radish-Chan forgot to tell Amane that he, made Amane his Assistant just to help he with what she desire...
"She'll understand soon Nimo... but not now she might get shocked" He said as Nimo swished and returned back in the School....

Gender-Role Swap Daikon-Kun [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now