"Blasters at ready!" General Organa, who was behind some crates further to Wexley's right, shouted. Even the old woman herself was pointing a blaster gun at the object coming closer and closer for every second.

"E-minus 10!" Was the last thing Wexley shouted before the sound of tree branches breaking could be heard. There was no need for a further countdown, they would know when the object had landed and whether it was a missile or something else.


The alarm was still going off, waking Ree up. The headache had gotten worse and there was a ringing in the Commander's ears. Instincts made her bring a hand up to her forehead. A warm sticky substance was felt on her palm as she brought her hand down to investigate. Keelor blinked, trying to make her eyes focus. Eventually, she saw what the stickiness on her hand was, blood.

Ree stood up, only to be forcefully be pulled down into the seat, the seatbelt, she had forgotten. She tried again, this time taking off the seatbelt before. To her disadvantage, there was no longer a clear sight from the window of the cockpit, as branches had covered it. "At least I'm alive," she sighed in exhaustion, "I think."

Heavy steps took her to the ramp of the ship. In one hand holding the black carry-on case and the other was empty. The lightsaber sat at her hip, she wasn't there to fight so why should she hold a weapon?

Her hand was on the button that would start lowering the ramp down. Hesistation filled her, she had no idea what waited outside of the ship, empty jungle, a Resistance base, the barrel of a blaster, probably a mix of all three. She breathed out, releasing the tension in her shoulder. And with a push of the button, the ramp started lowering itself down to the ground.


Everyone was dead quiet though Wexkley's ears were filled with the thumping of his heart. He tried to keep the blaster steady against the top of the crate but he couldn't stop shaking. Soon, the Stormtroopers were gonna come pouring out of the Shuttle, Wexley told himself even though logic told him otherwise. He knew every ship that the First Order had and if they were transporting Stormtroopers they would use AAL Troop Transporters, not a Command Shuttle, but when adrenaline was pumping through your veins you didn't really think logically. 

The Command shuttle hadn't gone down for a good landing, it had crashed to the trees and smoke was now rising from it like the start of a bonfire. The hissing sound that came from the ramp that started lowering made everyone grip their blasters tighter.

First, the Major saw a pair of black boots standing at the top of the ramp, luckily only one pair. The pair of boots slowly made their way down the ramp, calves, knees, thighs. The anticipation in everyone was making the place radiate with energy. The pants of the person walking down the ramp were also black, so it wasn't a stormtrooper, Wexley figured. The person was holding a black carry-on crate in their hand. The hips swayed from left to right as the person made their way down to the jungle ground, a woman, he could tell from the walking style. But at the hip was something far more interesting, a cylindrical object, that anyone would recognize. "Stop right there!" Poe called out from behind the crate, the identity of the person still unknown but the cylindric object made the threat clear enough. They could only imagine what was in the black case. But the person didn't stop, instead, it continued calmly down the ramp. As it took it first steps onto the ground, finally being out of the ship, their identity was revealed.


The light from the outside was bright, Keelor had to hold up her hand in front of her eyes as she made her way down the ramp. Slowly, the ringing in her ears started to fade away and was quickly replaced by the furious beating of her heart. Even though the steps were so calm and slow, she felt like the adrenaline was going to kill her from the inside. "Stop right there!" It was a male voice shouting, a voice that Ree seemed to recall but couldn't really place. A scared person would have stopped dead in their tracks, but she wasn't afraid, numbness to fright, to any emotion really.

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