08 | Date Night

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"What about this shirt?" Oikawa raises up a pastel blue shirt with a small green alien head printed on the side and the two immediately shake their heads.

"No aliens for your first date Oikawa!" Sugawara scolded him, snatching the shirt away. The alien obsessed man pouted.

"Here wear this white t-shirt a and this flannel and after those wear these black skinny jeans." Akaashi said as he threw the clothing he picked for Oikawa at his face.

"Okay, now get out so I can change, and take you obnoxious boyfriends with you!" Oikawa shouted as he shoved the two out of his room.


"Flattykawa are you done? You're taking forever Jesus Christ." Iwaizumi shouts, knocking on the door.

"Hey! You need to stop staring at my ass Iwa-Chan!" Oikawa shouts as he makes his way to his bedroom door, swinging it open and gasping.

"Iwa-Chan! You look so great!" The taller male grinned as he takes in Iwaizumi's outfit.

"Tch, Whatever let's just get going." The darker haired male quickly grabbed Oikawa's hand and led him out of the apartment.

"Soo, where are we going for our date?"

"There's a nice diner that one of my friends owns, long story short he let's me eat there for free." The taller male gasped.

"This is the most cheapest date I've ever been on."

"Shittykawa this is the only date you've been on." Oikawa giggled.

"I guess your right! We don't really have dates where I come from." The male sighs as they get closer to the retro diner, Iwaizumi holding open the door for Oikawa and leading them to a random table.

"What do you mean they don't have dates?" The dark haired male questioned his date.

"Well how courting worked was that our parents would basically plan out are lives, you know, what position we would hold as we grew up and who we would marry, the gender of the kids, how many kids me and my wife would have." Oikawa said with a bitter face. He was glad he was away from that horrid planet.

"That sounds like a shitty place." Iwaizumi replies bluntly, handing his date a menu so he could order something he liked.

"It was indeed, my family hated me and I never had any friends cause they always thought I was extremely weird." Oikawa shrugged, suddenly feeling a little dejected from the topic. Thankfully, Iwaizumi could see how introverted the male looked and changed the subject over to complaining about one of his professors.

"Hello my name is Hinata and I'll be- Oh hey Iwaizumi!!" The short male grinned, bouncing excitedly.

"Hey Shrimpy, I'll have my usual." Hinata nodded with a bright smile.

"And what would your date like?" The orange haired male asked, turning to face Oikawa.

"Oh, I'll have a grilled cheese with a side of fries, thank you Chibi-Chan."  Hinata grinned at the new nickname.

"Ok! I'll tell Tanaka to get on it! Do you want me to tell Tobio that you're here?" The waiter asked and Iwaizumi shakes his head.

"No that's fine, thanks Shrimp." Hinata nods and leaves the two alone once again.


"Oh my god, Iwa-Chan you really superglued that principals entire desk and chair to the ceiling?" Oikawa laughs, almost knocking over his drink. Iwaizumi grinned and nods.

"He deserved it for not hearing out Mad Dog, though I have to admit that he was not amused and I almost got expelled." Iwaizumi chuckles along with Oikawa as they chat over the empty plates, it being slightly dark outside since the sun was setting.

The two have been talking nonstop the entire time, only pausing to eat and swallow their food, along with taking occasional sips of their drinks.

"Are you ready to head out?" Oikawa pouted, sad that their date was coming to an end so soon.

"C-can we walk for a little, I don't want it to end so soon." The taller male asked as the two left the diner. Iwaizumi nods with a dopey grin.

"Of course Crappykawa, we can walk around the block that we live on a few times." Oikawa smiled, taking Iwaizumi's hand into his and leaning slightly against his body.


The two walked around until it was 12. That's when Oikawa noticed how sleepy Iwaizumi looked, even leaning against oikawa more.

"Iwa-Chan let's head back inside, you look really tired."

"Wow, no need to flatter me Shittykawa." Iwaizumi replied sarcastically, making Oikawa chuckle.

"Come on silly, I don't want you to fall asleep while we're walking." The taller man smiles and opens the door to the apartment building, helping Iwaizumi walk up the stairs even though he was very much capable of doing it himself. Once they got to their apartment Oikawa unlocked the door and led his date inside of their shared apartment.

Iwaizumi suddenly felt a lot more energetic as they sat in their apartment.

"Uh, Iwa-Chan?"

"Yes Flattykawa?"

"I just wanted to thank you for being there for me ever since I crashed onto your balcony, thank you for buying me things when you didn't have to, especially thanks for letting me live with you, thank you for taking me out on a date too!" Oikawa smiled seeing Iwaizumi blush, even if it was barely visible. Oikawa stepped closer to Iwaizumi. The lights were still off in the apartment but they were able to see eachother by the light from the city at night.

"Can I kiss you?" The taller male asked, cupping Iwaizumi's cheek with one hand.

The shorter male responded by pulling Oikawa down by his  flannel and skillfully pressing their lips together.

And that's the last chapter :D

Thank you for reading, I'll be posting the new Kuroken book right after this so look out for that!

Also I'm thinking about posting more Haikyuu books then My hero books, I'll still be continuing the books in the Mha fandom that i have posted but yeah, that might happen lol

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