06 | Advice

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Oikawa took a sip of his apple juice and sighed as he laid on Sugawara's couch, Suga on a bean bag and Akaashi sitting on the empty wooden coffee table. It was Saturday and the three made plans to hang out while Daichi, Iwaizumi, and Bokuto were busy with other things.

"Yeah and then Hinata thought we were breaking up because we were arguing about something that I can't even remember! So he started texting everyone from the old volleyball team that we were breaking up and they all came over to our house, balling their eyes out begging for 'mom and dad' not to break up." Suga explains what happened two days ago and Oikawa laughs and Akaashi just chuckles lightly before Oikawa gasps.

"Wait you did volleyball too? Did you guys ever go against each other?" He questioned the two and Akaashi nodded.

"Mhm we had training camp together so are teams would go up against each other sometimes." Akaashi explains.

"Oh that's cool, where I come from we don't have much sports." Oikawa chuckled and Suga raised a brow.

"Where are you from? Honestly we don't know much about you besides that you like Iwaizumi and Aliens." Akaashi said and the tall male gasped, a blush quickly forming across his face.

"That's not all I like!" Oikawa whined and Suga snickered.

"Oh so you admit to liking Iwaizumi?" The gray haired male smirked and Oikawa gasped.

"You guys tricked me!"

"We would never." Akaashi put his hand against his chest and has a small mischievous smile.

"But do you though Tooru?" Suga asks, being completely serious. Oikawa whined and shoved his face into the couch.

"Yeah, I do like him a lot." The blushing male admits and Suga cheers.

"That means you have to ask him out now!" Suga declares and Oikawa pouts.

"Noo, he's gonna reject me! He doesn't like me like that guys!" The tall male frowned slightly and Suga throws a pillow at him.

"What the hell are you talking about? Iwaizumi looks at you so much with this love sick puppy face that it makes me want to punch him sometimes!" The silver haired male practically shouted as he pumped his fists in the air dramatically.

"I must agree with Sugawara, Iwaizumi does have that look on his face whenever we hangout." Oikawa puffed his cheeks out and dragged his hand across his face, sighing.

"Well how do I ask him out?" He questions and the two shrug.

"We would be the wrong people to ask, Sugawara asked Daichi out by punching him in the nose and professing his love and Bokuto gave me a giant owl plush with a cheesy pick up line." Akaashi explained and Oikawa snorted at Suga's embarrassed face.

"I panicked okay!" Suga defends himself and Oikawa just grins.

"Yuh huh."

"Anyways I think I have the right person to ask for this." Suga grins.


"And yeah that's how Trashykawa almost ate a spider." Iwaizumi tells the story and Hanamaki laughs before he has a sly grin on his face. The darker haired male held a questioning look on his face.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Iwaizumi questioned as the two walked out of the coffee shop.

"You like him don't you?" Iwaizumi sputters before he looks away from Maki, his face slightly red.

"How do you know about that?" The taller male shrugs.

"You talk about him all the time, more than you talk about your art or how Bokuto and Kuroo are dumbasses. Also you always smile when you say his name."

"No I don't!" Iwaizumi glowers and Maki rolls his eyes.

"Then say his name without smiling and i'll believe you."

"Oikawa." Iwaizumi immediately has to fight the smile off his face and he groans.

"Fuck!" Hanamaki laughs at Iwaizumi's frustration and pats him on the back.

"You should tell him."  The pink haired male suggests as they get to his apartment.

"Yeah yeah, i'll try, I just need to figure out the right time, maybe during the break that's coming up." The art student says as Maki opens the door only to be tackled into a hug by Mattsuwaka.

Sorry for the extremely short chapter

Who do you think Suga is gonna ask for help?
I'm at my grandparents house already and I have a massive headache bc of all the screaming my cousins are doin-

ALSO When I was drawing i scared myself by moving my hand???? Uh yeah lmao

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