03 | Iwa-Chan

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"Shittykawa wake up!" Iwaizumi shouts as he drops his school bag on the couch. It's been a week since Oikawa came to earth and today his last class was canceled since the teacher got hit by a car so they were free to go.

Oikawa yelped as the bag landed on his face, him being fully awake.

"Oh, you're right there." Oikawa just pouted as he sat the bag aside, not wanting the contents to slip out and have Iwaizumi be angry.

"You're so mean to me Iwa-Chan!" The light haired male pouted and Iwaizumi rolled his eyes at the nickname. He's learned to just live with it, getting tired of screaming at the male to call him Iwaizumi.

"Yeah, what ever, just grab one of my hoodies, we're going out with two of my friends to the mall so we can get you some damn clothes." Oikawa nodded and went into Iwaizumi's room and grabbed a gray hoodie that was a size bigger for the human, making it fit nicely on his body.

"Okay let's go Iwa-Chan! I can't wait to meet your friends!" He smiled widely as the they left the apartment and to the mall that was a few blocks away. The alien couldn't get enough of human life so Iwaizumi had to grab Oikawa by the wrist and lead him to the mall while he stared at the city all around him. He loved the all the noises that others may hate but no, Oikawa adored the noise. Back from his planet everyone was always so quiet and stoic and he couldn't express how he felt without being shamed.

"Hey Iwaizumi!" Kuroo shouted from the entrance of the mall, Kenma sitting on a bench, silently playing a game on his phone.

The two quickly walked up to the two by the front of the mall and the art student greeted Kuroo.

"Oya, is this your little friend you were talking about?" Kuroo practically purred while Oikawa just stared at him.

"Iwa-Chan why are you friends with a pothead?"

Iwaizumi snorts and laughs at Kuroo's offended face and even Kenma smiled a little, not that much though.

"No Crappykawa he just looks like one, trust me if he was Kenma wouldn't be dating him." Iwaizumi explains and the smaller boy looks up from his game at the mention of his name.

"Iwa-Chan stop calling me Crappykawa!"

"Oh sorry Shittykawa."

Oikawa whined and Iwaizumi smirks before he properly introduces the two to his new roommate.


The group ended up splitting up so Kenma could get himself some new games with Kuroo while the other two got Oikawa some clothes and shoes.

"Ooh, Iwa can I get this?" Oikawa asked as he showed the art student a pastel hoodie with a green alien print in the middle and Iwaizumi nods and Oikawa grins.

"Thanks Iwa-Chan!" Iwaizumi nods and the two continue looking around the store.

"What about this Iwa?" Oikawa asked and showed him a simple black skirt and the shorter male shrugged.

"I don't see why not, remember that we have to make sure we try these all on though, we don't wanna buy anything that's too small for you." The taller male nodded with a smile and headed off to another corner of the store to look for more clothing.

"Hello~" Oikawa looked to his side to see a average sized girl with what looked like pounds of makeup. She was also wearing a tight shirt and a extremely small skirt.

"Hello?" He tilted his head slightly, not really looking at the girl as he was more focused on looking for clothes. The girl didn't seem to take the hint though as she rest her hand on Oikawa's bicep.

"What's your name?"


"Wow that's an attractive name for an attractive man." Oikawa stopped and finally looked at her with a confused facial expression.

How in the world is a name attractive? Oikawa thought and the girl grinned as she got his attention.

"So, Oikawa would you like to go ou—" She immediately let go of Oikawa as a slightly shorter man approached the two, reeking of old spice.

"Hey, what the fuck do you think you're doing? Trying to steal my girl huh?" The man roughly pushed his finger into Oikawa's chest and the male winced, eyes wide as he didn't know what to do in this situation.

The girl quickly played the victim and blamed Oikawa for approaching her.

"You fucking asshole!" The man shouted and went to hit Oikawa only to be pushed back by someone and falll on his ass.

"He didn't do anything to her, leave him alone or I'll get an employee to drop kick your ass out of the store." Iwaizumi huffed and the guy just tched before he and the girl left.

"Awh, thank you Iwa-Chan!" Oikawa wrapped his arms around him and Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and patted Oikawa's back.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Now try on the clothes so we can meet Kenma and Kuroo for pizza in the food court." Oikawa nods and grabs the heaps of clothes that Iwaizumi and him hand in their arms and went over to the dressing rooms.


"Uh, Iwa-Chan?"

"Yes Flattykawa?"

"I-I'm stuck."

"What do you mean 'your stuck'?" Oikawa giggled nervously before awkwardly unlocking the stall and telling Iwaizumi to come in. The male did so and closed the door, his back still to Oikawa. When he did turn around he couldn't help but laugh as Oikawa's arms were stuck in a weird angle, the apparently too small shirt, his chest very much visible while his head was covered with the shirt.

"Don't laugh Iwa-Chan!" Oikawa whined and Iwaizumi just chuckled.

"Alright I'll stop, let me help you dumbass." Oikawa huffed and Iwaizumi quickly helped him pull the shirt off and he just stared at Oikawa before he shook his head and left the changing room.

Thank you for reading :D
Sorry i haven't updated like any of my books-

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