05 | Get Out!

625 27 14

TW for homophobia and mentions of drug use

"Hajime, how are you sweetie?" Iwaizumi glared at his mother who's hands were shaking a little as she held on to her arms nervously. The male rolled his eyes at his mother, glaring at her.

"Are you doing drugs again?" His mother sneers and scoffs, forcing her way in without a second thought and flinging open the cabinet doors open from the kitchen, completely ignoring Oikawa's surprised cry from the living room and Iwaizumi's shouts of anger.

"Goddamnit, I don't have anything for you!" The shorter male growled and his mother scoffed.

"Why can't you do this once simple thing for me Hajime?! I'm your mother for god sake!" Iwaizumi scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"That title was revoked the moment you decided to lay your hands on me after dad left." He spat and his mother psychically flinched.

"I dunno what your talkin' about." Iwaizumi growled at his mothers defensive tone and Oikawa stood up.

"Bullshit! Now get out of here before I fucking call the cops." The woman finished rummaging through the cabinets and turned right into Oikawa's direction.

"Who the hell is this?" Ignoring what Iwaizumi said. Oikawa was about to respond before the woman once again, sneered.

"Is that a fucking boyfriend? Oh you faggot, this is why you won't give me money, it's because of this bastard!" Oikawa's eyes widened at the vulgarity and was about to respond before the thin woman marched towards him and slapped him, Oikawa's head whipped to the side.

Everything was like it completely stopped.

Until Iwaizumi snapped out of it.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FUCKING APARTMENT YOU SLIMY BITCH." Iwaizumi shouted at the top of his lungs and stormed towards the woman only for her to run out of the apartment, terrified at his outburst. Iwaizumi slammed the door shut, his face still contorted into an angry look.

He turned around and his face immediately softened when he saw Oikawa holding his cheek with tears in his eyes.

"Fuck, are you okay Toruu?" Iwaizumi asked, making Oikawa blush by using his first name.

"U-uhm yeah I'm fine, she just caught me off guard, how are you doing Iwa-Chan?" Oikawa ask, the red mark on his cheek already starting to fade.

Iwaizumi sighed.

"I'm fine she does that sometimes ever since I moved out." The taller male just frowned and pulled Iwaizumi into a hug that the male quickly reciprocated.

"Lets call it an early night, Okay?" Oikawa nodded and both went back to their rooms.


The next day was one of Iwaizumi's days off and he woke up early to take a shower. Everything was going well until he failed to notice the door open and Oikawa slip in casually.

He did notice though, when the other opened the shower curtain.

"Hey Iwa-Chan how do you cook eggos? Like— Stop screaming for a second— like do i put it in the toaster or in the microwave?" Iwaizumi was bright red as he quickly turned off the shower and grabbed a towel to wrap around his waist.

"God damnit Crappykawa! You don't just walk in on someone while they are in the shower!"

"But in grey's Ana-"

"Nope, that show is filled with horny doctors, you shouldn't learn anything from that show that you would want to use in real life!" Oikawa paused and processed the information. The male instantly turned bright red and looked away from Iwaizumi, realizing how his attractiveness tripled the amount without any clothes on.

"S-sorry!" Oikawa squeaked before he left the bathroom to go and die in his room.

Iwaizumi just laughed at Oikawa's sudden shyness and quickly got dried himself and got dressed.


"Sugaa!" Oikawa shouted as he hugged the silver haired boy who was in the door way along with Daichi, Bokuto and Akaashi.

"Hey Oikawa, how have you been?" The man laughed at how excited the other seemed.

"A pain in my ass is what." Iwaizumi answered before his roommate could and Oikawa whined.

"Iwa-Chan stop being such a meanie!" Oikawa pouted as the group entered the apartment.

"Hey, Hey, Hey! Why does your kitchen look like a disaster?" Bokuto questioned and Iwaizumi rubbed the nape of his neck.

"Uh, my mother paid a visit last night..." the whole group frowned as they sat in the living room, Suga, Daichi, and Iwaizumi sat on the couch while Akaashi, Bokuto and Oikawa sat on the floor, Akaashi siiting in Bokuto's lap.

"Are you okay?" Daichi questioned and Iwaizumi shrugged.

"I'm fine, she slapped Flattykawa though." Oikawa frowned at the name.

"Oh my god are you okay Oikawa?" Bokuto asks and the light haired male nodded.

"I'm fine! It didn't hurt much and Iwaizumi really sent her running after he screamed at her! Oikawa lied, it did hurt a lot but his healing only made it unbearable for a few seconds before he was as good as new.

"Well we're glad you're fine." Akaashi added and then the conversation somehow flipped to how Bokuto somehow managed to get his arm stuck in a vending machine.

"Agaaaashjie!! You said you wouldn't tell anyone!" The owl like man whined and Akaashi gasped.

"Whoops, oh well the damage has been done." Akaashi smiled innocently and Bokuto just whined more but louder.

The rest of the day the two males spent the day with their friends.

Thank you for reading!
I have come to the conclusion that I can only take naps when I have my cat on my bed with me-

It's really weird-
Also the song above is amazing, check it out lol

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