After Game Celebration

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Getting back to the tent was a feat in and of itself- slipping through already rowdy Irish supporters and solemn Bulgarians. An Irish man passed singing about a man in the gutter and the only thing under his kilt was what God had given him. Hermione and I giggled when I pointed out he too- was wearing a kilt.
Back in the tent, there wasn't a chance on Earth any of us could sleep- between the boys doing a rowdy play-by-play, and the ruckus outside our tent.
Harry fell flat on his face attempting to imitate the Wronski feint- making me giggle when he jumped right back up and asked if he could practice at the Burrow.
"Here wee lass- something for your cocoa!" Fred said in his best Irish accent, George poured something from a cup into my steaming mug- which had been plain cocoa.
"Mint?" I asked with a raised brow before taking a sip from it. I took a large sip and my throat burned like fire.
"Cinnamon?" I asked with a cough- they grinned to each other before shrugging.
"Sure- call it cinnamon." George said before they retreated. I took another sip, my face and chest burned with a newfound warmth.
"You're awfully quiet- ew" Harry wrinkled his nose as he sat by me. I gave him a thoroughly disgruntled look.
"You smell like a bar-" He said before taking my cocoa so very rudely!
"I was jus' *hic!* 'bout to get a *hic* *giggle* refill- Honey Cakes." I said, my head drooped of its own accord onto Harry's shoulder and he moved my mug far to the other side of the table.
"I thought fae weren't supposed to drink?" Harry asked lowly watching my father joyfully helping the twins do yet another play by play. Bill gave me a worried look and I hid my face into Harry's shoulder.
"They *HIC!*-" I pulled away from Harry and grabbed the mug-
"Oh f*cks sake those doorknobs- I swear I'll-" I was deep into a colorful explanation of shoving their own heads up each others butts, when Bill made his way over. Harry gave him a hopeless look.
"Awe- you're so cute!" I said, probably a bit too loudly, and Bill leaned forward to look at Harry seriously.
"Is she drunk?" Bill asked, pointing at me.
"I'm not drunk- I'm your sister! *hic* *giggle*" I leaned my head back onto Harry feeling suddenly very sleepy.
"Er- I think so, I think-" Harry glanced over at the twins who were making their way over unapologetically.
"Dear Merlin-"
"She can't hold her liquor can she?" Fred said with a grin.
"She can't drink!" Harry said hotly, I looked up at him.
"Why not loverboy?"
"She likes you more this way-" The twins slung their arms over each other.
"Besides we didn't give her much-"
"Just a kip-"
"Must've gotten more-" George said before sniffing her mug. I scooched away from Harry who was trying to sternly tell the twins that fae can't drink. My hero- but I felt hot, and took off  my hoodie. Bill winced at my arms.
"Its okay Billy-! All better now!" I said with a grin, trying to comfort him. I felt so dizzy- and leaned my head onto the little table.
"How were we supposed to know-" The twins said together. Bill glared at them.
"You shouldn't be giving her liquor anyways-" Bill pointed an accusing finger at the twins.
"Harry-" I said quietly. Harry's face looked under the table the next minute.
"D'you reckon I could fly?" I asked hopefully, he stifled a laugh.
"Probably- I wouldn't try till the morning though..." He said before looking back up at the other boys. But I wanted to fly now! So I did the most obvious thing- and started to take off my pendant. My brothers had never seen my wings before-
"No!" Harry reached out to put my necklace on- but was suddenly smacked by my blackened wings and fell to the floor. Bill let out a yelp and the twins jumped back a foot. I stretched them and leaned onto the table again.
"Feels nice-" I said sleepily.
"Notte!" Hermione said anxiously from the other side of the tent- the rest of the Weasley's rushed over to see what had happened I'm sure due to the sudden stillness in the air.

Harry's POV

I stood up quickly, very aware of the eyes on me.
"She really does have wings-" Charlie said with a bit of awe. Bill nodded- staring dumbstruck at his little sister.
"I thought they'd be- like pixie wings." Ginny said thoughtfully. Percy though came right up and picked up the edge of one. She sent an angry glare up at him and swatted her wing at him. Her face was red as the Bulgarian tents, and she looked rather cute, glaring angrily at someone else for a change.
"Oi- Weatherby! Only the Chosen Git here can touch the merchandise got it-!" I clapped a hand over her mouth as she started to go on-
The Weasley's thankfully didn't seem to mind much of what she said.
"Notte! Don't bite me!" I pulled my hand back and wiped it on the front of my shirt.
"Thats not the first time-" She giggled for a moment.
"Whats wrong?" She asked looking at the others watching her.
"Oh- f*ck- when did these f*ckin' useless bits of tar 'n' feather get here?" She looked up at me with puppy dog eyes.
"Wheres my wingie-thingie?" She asked, Hermione and Ron looked severely disappointed in her and I cleared my throat before answering.
"Its erm- in your hand." I answered, her family laughed lightly. The twins seemed to see the error of their ways.
"Well we shan't be doing that again-" George started and Notte told them exactly what she'd like to do with their heads.
"B*tch eaters and...Ministry f*ckers." She said quietly before letting her head drop back go the table. Bill and Charlie laughed uproariously and her father looked around at his children anxiously.
"Mum won't hear a word of this- understand me?" He said pointing at each child separately.
He pointed at me for the longest.
"I don't want to die yet Mr. Weasley -" I did feel a bit responsible, I should have been keeping a better eye on her. Especially with the unruly twins sneaking around.
"Potter you git- hand me the eggs." She said before she gave a quiet snore. I let out a quiet nervous laugh before reaching under the table to get her pendant. It was a bit of trouble getting it back on- and the Weasley's watched anxiously as I grabbed and pushed her wings back into place. Once they disappeared they stretched their necks to get a better look at her back.
"So- it was true what mum told us then." Bill said to Charlie, who came up next to me and placed a hand on my shoulder and peered at her back.
"Sure is a handful- ain't she?" He said with a grin.
"Yeah, she is-" I said, that was an understatement. She was moody and hyper, quick to anger, and just a bit demanding when it came to her cooking and gardening- but it was worth it. Notte let out a soft snore. Mr. Weasley sent us off to bed, and had me carry Notte to her tent- he quoted-
"Only the chosen git here can touch the merchandise- right Harry?" Mr. Weasley said, watching me pick up his now unconscious daughter.
"She really needs to eat more." I said, and he laughed.
"Molly was right to like you-" He said with a waggle of his finger before retreating to his room. I got her in her bed with the help of the girls.
"Thanks Harry- Fred and George will hear it tomorrow I'm sure-" Ginny said with a wicked grin.
The Irish were still celebrating their win by the time I slid into bed. None of the Weasley's stirred, and I took that moment to hang Notte's hoodie on my bed post, to help me remember to give it back tomorrow.

The Dark Lord's Daughter Book 4: FlightWhere stories live. Discover now