The Diggory's

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After a long and awkward breakfast, we headed off towards the hill the Portkey would appear. We had been walking for a short while, making small talk about the woods around us and the upcoming match between Ireland and Bulgaria, when the Diggory's showed. They lived nearby us, and we had met once or twice over the years- but I hadn't spoken much to Mr. Diggory or his son Cedric, and it had been years since I had seen Mr. Diggory.
"Hullo Arthur!"
"Amos! Good to see you then!" My dad greeted the jolly-looking man in mismatched muggle attire. I zipped my hoodie the rest of the way up when Cedric approached.
"Sorry Amos, afraid we got off to a sleepy start this morning! This is Amos Diggory everyone, works at the ministry with me- and this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" Dad shakes hands with Cedric.
"Sir." Cedric said, he glanced my way.
"Merlin's beard- that's Harry Potter, aren't you?" Mr. Diggory brushed past me to greet Harry. Cedric walked towards his father with an apologetic smile to me.
"Ced's told me all about you of course- about playing Quidditch against you last year. I told him- Ced that'll be something to tell your grandchildren! You beat Harry Potter!" Amos said happily. Harry looked fairly uncomfortable and I couldn't tell if it was how jolly this man was while telling him he lost- or if it was just normal social anxiety.
"I told you dad- it was an accident he fell off his broom- there were dementors." Cedric said sheepishly. Harry and I gave each other a knowing look.
"Yes- but you stayed on yours didn't you-?" Cedric cut his dad off.
"Actually Notte here was the one that sent them all away-" Cedric shot me an apologetic smile and I closed my eyes in embarrassment.
"That's right you told me about the girl with the Patronus- a hippogriff yes?" Mr. Diggory focused on me now, still walking between Harry and I. Cedric was on my other side- I was trapped by Diggory's.
"Er- yes." I said quietly, Ron sniggered behind us.
"Rather impressive- I heard that was your first time, all for your friend." Cedric said, and I nearly corrected him.
"Er- well he's-"
"Oh yes- Cedric sent me a letter all about it- your patronus nearly knocked him off his broom- impressive for it to be completely corporeal- he hadn't mentioned of course that your daughter had become such a lovely young woman, " Amos said to my father, I took this chance to beg him silently for help. Harry tried to get around him to me- but was stopped by Amos' hand on his shoulder.
"Am I wrong Cedric?" Amos asked Cedric now and my eyes widened in embarrassment.
"Er-" Cedric didn't answer but sort of nodded.
"Erm- could I-?" I was cut off again by Amos.
"Yes- of course, it wouldn't be so bad for us to be in-laws Arthur!" Amos said loudly to my dad. Harry and I choked- and the other two snickered at me.
"Actually- I was under the impression that my daughter was-" My dad tried for me.
"Don't you think Cedric?" Cedric looked down at me and saw that I was trying to desperately speak up.
"Er- Notte?" He asked I took a deep breath before slipping away from between them.
"I'm actually er- sort of already-" Harry coughed and listened intently.
"Dating Harry- here." I gestured defeatedly at Harry who scoffed.
"You don't have to sound so disappointed by it!" He whispered harshly to me. I half-laughed and Amos cleared his throat disappointed.
"Well at least she finally admitted it Harry-!" Ron said loudly- I shot him a dirty look.
"Er- well shall we?" My dad asked shaking his head at me. Harry raised his eyebrows curiously at me.
"Don't get cocky with me Potter-" I said and went to follow my dad. Harry grabbed my sleeve to hold me back from the others.
"Just so I know- is that how you feel, or are you just trying to avoid getting married off to Diggory?" He asked, trying not to look too hopeful.
"A bit of both if you must know!" I said and he grinned.
"I'm not exactly going to go around dating boys- Cedric or otherwise when I'm in-" I cut myself off, and Harry grinned wider. I went red and shook his hand off to follow the others.
"Everything alright?" Hermione asked me- I scoffed.
"I'm done with boys- Hermione! You and I should run away and open a bookshop café!" I said dramatically, Harry shook his head as he approached finally.
"Sorry Ronald- you're stuck with Potter now!" I stuck my tongue out at Ron and he made a sour face before looking at Harry. Who was still grinning like an idiot.
" Let's run away Mione boys are dumb!" I said and draped myself across her- she shuffled me over to Harry and pushed me into his arms.
"Mione! We could have spent our days reading and drinking coffee on a balcony with our 12 cats!" I threw my arm out towards her.
"Children! Come on!" My dad called shaking his head at me once again.
"You want 12 cats?" Harry asked.
"Thats what you got from all that?" I asked him dumbly. He grinned again before shifting me in his arms to start to carry me towards the others.
"Potter if you don't put me down- I will spend every night haunting your dreams." I said wickedly. He thought about it for a moment then continued- so I had to wriggle myself out from his arms- as red as my hoodie. My dad gave me a tired look as we rushed to meet with the others. He checked his watch.
"Oh! Just in time!" The others press their fingers to the boot that we had been assigned as a portkey. Harry looked at me in confusion- and I grabbed his hand and placed a finger on the boot.
"Er- why are we pressing our fingers on a mangy old boot?" Harry asked quietly. I grinned.
"Its a portkey."
"Whats a-!" Harry got caught off by a sudden whooshing of wind as we lifted by our belly buttons. Harry screams but is silenced by the wind- and everything starts to fall into place. As we're released by the wind I grab ahold of Harry- who's thoroughly freaked out now, and help him float down like the adults and Cedric. We land harder than they do- and Harry looks a twinge green.
"What in-" Harry adjusts his glasses as the others shake off their sticky landing.
"We aren't in the village anymore Potter." I say with a grin and gesture around us.
"I regret showing that movie more and more every-" Harry says shaking his head before he sees the thousands of tents and wizards and witches hurrying around in the distance.

The Dark Lord's Daughter Book 4: FlightWhere stories live. Discover now