Rescue Mission- Lightning Rod Phase 2

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I groaned when I woke up, I was excited for the World Cup of course, but I wasn't looking forward to the ridiculously loud banging the twins did all day and all night. My window was wide open, from sending bewitched notes to Harry back and forth nearly all night. I sat at the desk in front of the window and breathed in the fresh morning air- Harry's window was wide open as well. I could just barely see him sprawled out on his bed- fast asleep.
"What a lazy boy-" I muttered to myself as I wrote out a quick good morning note. Morrigan and Hedwig had refused to send notes back and forth for us anymore.

Dear Mr. Potter,
I regret to inform you that you need to get your lazy arse out of bed.
Love Notte

I tapped the note with my wand and it shuddered to life, flying out the window to float through Harry's. Where it smacked him on the face until he threw a pillow at it.
"ARGH!" I heard him shout in frustration until he got up and read the letter, in front of the open window. Shirtless.

Christmas already Potter?

I wrote as he wrote a reply to my first note.
His face went beet red and he looked up at me. I waggled my fingers cheekily- and he slammed the curtains shut. His hand poked through the curtain. A small note fluttered onto my desk.


I'm sure he could hear me laughing from my room. But I got up and closed the window and curtain in order to get dressed.
I floated down the stairs, high on my recent victory of seeing Potter shirtless yet again. Ms. Figg greeted me from her chair.
"Good Morning dearie." She said lazily.
"Good mornin' haven't eaten yet have you?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
"I s'pose eating wouldn't be too bad." She said airily. She was hungry.
I tied a 50's style apron over my black ruffled blouse and light blue skinny jeans, and tied my hair into a messy bun.
I was already working on a bit of sausage and hotcakes when I spotted Harry walking across the street.
"Hullo, Harry dear. Popped in for breakfast?" Ms. Figg asked. Harry laughed.
"Only if Notte is making it." Ms. Figg laughed, they had gotten comfortable with each other. She was more like a kindly old grandmother for us now. Or Great Aunt I suppose.
"Hot cakes, sausages and fruit salad." I said to Harry as he walked in.
"Good Morning to you too." Harry said before leaning over the counter.
"Oh I had a wonderful morning- I had the best view out my window this morning-" I placed a cup of orange juice in front of him. He scowled and turned red.
"Peeping tom." Harry turned away to take a sip of juice. I grinned mischievously and slowly lifted the side of my blouse- his eyes got big. I lifted it to just before I would show something he'd want to see- he choked on his juice and then I dropped my shirt.
"Notte! Don't do that!" Harry said with a furious blush.
"Only fair- isn't it?" I winked at him and turned around to flip my pancakes. I turned around just a little to spy on him. He went red and immediately looked away.
"So sad to see you dears leaving me again." Ms. Figg said as she hobbled into the kitchen.
"We'll come see you when we can Ms. Figg- till then..." I opened her icebox for them both to see.
"Is it-?" Harry started looking a bit impressed.
"Bigger on the inside? Yes, yes it is." (AN: If you get it I love you) I said before letting swing close.
"I made you a few extra casseroles and meal starters and things- instructions are written on the top." I said as I scooped the sausages onto a serving plate. Harry took them to the table for me, and I floated the rest to the table, carrying the eating dishes by hand.

After doing dishes for Ms. Figg we said our goodbyes and headed to Harry's house. He carried my backpack for me and let me inside. I carefully wiped my shoes and was eternally grateful I had cleaned them the night before- they didn't look as muddy as they had before.
"Er- come in I s'pose." Harry gestured for me to follow him up the stairs.
"We have a few minutes- I just have to get my school things." I walked up the immaculate stairs.
"Where are your-?" I looked down the stairs, Harry shrugged.
"Probably still eating, Grapefruit." Harry shuddered and shot me a grateful look.
"Oh- right." His room was rather plain, a few decorations here and there. Mostly Gryffindor merch. And then I looked back at the door, on the wall was dozens of hand-drawn pictures of us, our friends, of me. Even of one of Buckbeak and I.
"I forget how well you can draw sometimes Potter." I said and studied a detailed sketch of Hagrid's hut.
"I s'pose-" Harry said sheepishly as he let Hedwig out of her cage and out the window.
He quickly dumped the contents into the waste bin by the desk and organized the mess of papers on it and shoved them into his bag.
"I thought you'd packed Potter?" I asked before sitting on the edge of his unmade bed, I grabbed his flimsy pillow and cuddled it to my chest before falling over dramatically.
"I err just had a few things left." Harry quickly opened his trunk and threw in a battered book that Hermione had gotten him one year for Christmas. And turned to the closet to pull his shirts off the hangers.
"Alright- Alright hold on-" I shut the curtain with a flick of my wand and closed the door. With a flourish his trunk organized itself and his shirts started folding themselves neatly.
"Er, thanks." Harry scratched his head before grabbing his own wand and tucking it into his pocket.
The door opened, Aunt Petunia appeared and took a deep breath to take in the magical scene before her.
"I thought you couldn't use that outside of school?" Her lips pursed accusingly.
"Oh- er I can, I'm sorry, Mrs. Dursley." I stood up and flicked my wand subtlety to let the shirts fall into place in his trunk. She sighed.
"When are you being picked up?" Petunia asked coldly. I glanced at the watch on Harry's wrist.
"In one minute- he said 11 o'clock." I answered, Petunia sighed, like it wasn't soon enough. She closed the door.
"That went better than expected." I said with a smile. Harry rolled his eyes and finished packing- making me look away for an entire minute so he could pack his *ahem* unmentionable's.
"He should be here soon.." I leaned out the window.
"How is he coming?" Harry asked. I stood up straight, causing me to whack my head on the frame.
"Awe- bleeding hinkywinks. I don't know actually, Maybe car?" I suggested. Harry gingerly touched the back of my head, before kissing the side of my head. My heart thumped erratically.
"We could go outside to wait?" I asked, suddenly very aware I was alone with him in his room.
"Outside, right." Harry picked up his trunks and I carried my backpack and his bookbag down the stairs. Just in time to hear a sickening thud from in the living room. We popped our heads in the room to check. The Dursley's looked terrified at the mysterious sounds coming from inside the fireplace.
"Oh my-" I rushed over to the fireplace shooting Harry a worried look.
There was a electric fireplace in front of the boarded-up one. I gasped and listened.
"What is it?" Petunia pointed at the fireplace in fear.
"I think it's my-" I was cut off by more banging and-
"Ouch! Fred, no go back! There's been some kind of mistake- Go and tell George-" I looked back at the Dursleys and Harry.
"I think they tried to floo in-" I explained. George and Fred's voices joined my dad's.
"Maybe they can hear us- maybe they'll let us out-" George said. They begun to hammer on the boards of the fireplace.
"Notte! Harry- let us out!" They called- the Dursley's turned on Harry who had to nervously explain the whole thing.
"Er- they tried to floo in. They can travel by fire- only you've blocked the fireplace, hang on-" Harry approached the fireplace to sit next to me. He looked like he could die laughing- and I couldn't blame him.
"Dad! Can you hear me?" I called through the boards. Harry stifled a laugh behind his hand- I hit his arm.
"Notte! Is that you?" My dad called back and I bit my lip to keep from laughing. Harry hit my arm.
"Mr. Weasley, it's Harry! They've blocked up the fireplace- you won't be able to get through here." Harry rubbed his eyes with one hand, trying again, not to laugh at having to talk to a literal wall.
"What on earth would they want to block up the fireplace for?" My dad asked and I looked at Harry for an explanation, he didn't know either.
"They've got an-" Harry took a deep breath, I looked back at the Dursleys who were angrily cowering in the corner.
"Electric fireplace." Harry finished.
"Really?" My dad sounded rather excited.
"Ecklectic you say? With a plug...Gracious, I must see that...ouch! Ron!" I hung my head in defeat as our problem grew yet another head. I looked at Harry who grinned at me with his head bowed.
"This is the family you married into Potter- congrats." I whispered. Harry laughed, earning an angry huff from Vernon.
"What are we doing here? Has something gone wrong?" Ron asked the others.
"Can't believe he's not a Hufflepuff with that nonsense." I said- and Ron banged on the fireplace.
"I heard that Notte!" Ron called to me and Harry and I snorted trying to keep from laughing.
"Quiet...I'm trying to think of what to do...yes...only way to do it...stand back Notte- Harry." We jumped back, unfortunately Vernon didn't seem to understand what "Stand back" meant. I thrust my wand out towards Vernon just as the fireplace exploded-
"PROTEGO!" A shield came up just in time the board that would have nearly killed the man instead shot directly into a headshot of Dudley. Petunia screeched- and Vernon fell back onto the sofa. My brothers and dad tumble out covering everything they touch with soot.
"Sorry about that..." My father begins apologizing to the Dursleys and asking them questions- though they aren't at all willing to answer them. My brothers though greet Harry warmly- and I, well I clean up their mess.
"Reparo." The fireplace starts to restack itself brick by brick- the frames glue themselves back together and the glass falls back into place. While the boys keep on talking I take a moment to clean the carpet and them as well.
"Since we'll be in-laws no doubt! Surely Harry has told you all about him and my daughter-" I look back in a panic, the Dursley's don't seem happy by this at all. But my brothers notice- and the twins hurry to take Harry's and mine luggage to the fireplace.
"Oh no!" George stumbles and let's dozens of toffee's fall from their pockets- and scramble to pick each one up. Except for one. I choose to ignore it- my brothers leave.
"Well- I suppose its time to head off isn't it?" My dad says- and awkwardly stands there while they stare at us. Waiting for us to leave.
"Aren't you going to say good-bye? He'll be gone for months-" And then Petunia screams. And my heart sinks- I really didn't think it'd be so bad. But I turn to look and see Dudley: hunched over a two-foot long tongue.
"Go-on you two, I'll take care of this-" Dad pushes us towards the fireplace.
"The Burrow" Harry goes first. I turn around to see Vernon glaring at me.
"See ya next Summer." I give him a perky wave and step into the fire.
"The Burrow!" Privet Drive disappears and in its place, the Burrow appears. I step out to see my brothers and Harry laughing.
"Did he eat it?!" The twins ask.
"Yeah-!" Harry looked back at me. I leaned against the fireplace.
"Dad's gonna be miffed- not to mention mum." I looked at Harry who was still grinning.
"He's a rotter Notte! You'd know better than any of us!" George said before wrapping an arm around Harry.
"Well- he is-" I looked at Harry who was nodding along with the boys.
"Hes just a muggle! What if he ate it after we'd gone?" I asked and the boys looked at each other for a moment.
"Wears off after a bit-" Fred said.
"He'd have been fine." George said.
"After a bit!" They said together.
"It looked like it hurts-" I said, a pang of guilt.
"Lemme see the recipes later- yeah?" I said-
"What did you give that poor boy!" Dad roared after tumbling out of the fireplace.
Luckily for us- Ginny and Hermione wave us up the stairs.
"Oh thank Merlin you're here Mione-" I say and tackle her in a tight hug. She's used to my eccentricity by now- isn't she?
I look up from her bosom, where I've decided to stay to see her pushing me away!
"Mione! How could you betray me!" I wailed dramatically and fell to my bed.
"Sorry- Harry looked like he was bout to hex me-" Hermione said pointing at the boy.
"Don't fret mon petite, I'll protect chu from any threat!" I say in a terrible French accent and wrap myself around her once again.
"She wasn't nearly this happy to see me." Harry said blandly, I stuck my tongue out at him.

The Dark Lord's Daughter Book 4: FlightDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora