Before The Month : Part 1

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Osamu pulls up the driveway of your guy's home. Getting out the car, and walking to his door, taking his key and fixing it into the lock.

Once he's inside the house he sees you, nothing less than pure and loving curled up on your side on the plush couch cushions. The tv is still on, playing lowly.

Taking off his coat and suitcase he makes his way to you, admiring the little curl of hair that lays across your check bone. He kneels down, as close as he can to the couch. He takes his hand to brush it aside with his knuckle. Also leaning down to lay a kiss to your cheekbone.

The feeling is what arises you, allowing you to take both of your arms as you shift to the side to wrap them around Osamu's neck.

"Welcome home, handsome." You murmur tiredly into his neck as his strong arms fix under your knees, the other lifting up your torso from below; bringing you into a princess carry.

"Nice to see ya sleepin' beauty." He coos into you as you're both carried into the bedroom.

You both lie on the bed next to each other, Osamu cradling you to his chest while you're rested beautifully on his pec. Sleeping like nothing's bothering you. Your glittering ring on your left finger shining within the moonlight like nothing.

He cannot hold back the guilt festering in his heart when he came back from just fucking your brother.


Over the last five months Osamu's been getting business deals about expanding the location of Onigiri Miya.

One of those deals was in negotiations  with your brother. Just a year older than you. He runs a esteemed business who ran a casual, everyday items business. Very profitable. He was the breadwinner of your family.

When you heard that he was going to help sponsor Osamu in one of his expansion restaurants you were teeming with joy.

So here you are waiting at home for Osamu. While he and your brother work together with other companies on sponsoring him and the expansion of Onigiri Miya.

But these business trips have been so long. And often you try not to call them as to disturb them but sometimes you can't help it. It's late tonight, and Osamu said he'd be home by tonight.

"The number you are trying to call isn't available, please leave a message when you hear the beep—beep—" you end the call there, furrowing your hands into your face. It's been a week and three days already. Surely a business trip couldn't take so long.

It's been like this for the past five months.


The next morning you get a call.

"Y/n, babe." Osamu breathes into the call in relief. "I've tried calling ya five times."

"Yeah I heard." You snap. "'Samu I thought this was the last time."

"I'm sorry." He apologizes right after. "This is the last time, promise. I'll be back home tonight."

"Why isn't my brother picking up?"

"His phone broke, got crushed by a car when he dropped it." Osamu replies sheepishly.

"Then what excuse do you have for not picking up my calls?!" She snap hard. You know you'd feel bad after this, but you both were about to be married in 7 months. "Where the hell do you put all your time into during these weeks?"

"'M sorry Y/n, my phone's been glitching. How about ya pick some things out that you want out for our wedding? Anything ya want. The profit from Onigiri Miya can handle it."

"At this point, all I want is my husband at the wedding. On. Time." You bite right before ending the call.


Osamu's at home now. Trying to comfort you, huddling your body into his lap and pushing your hair back to cradle and admire your face.

"Come on, Lovely." He coos as you pout in a different direction, away from his face. "Show me that pretty face of yers."

"You don't deserve to see it."

He sighs out sadly. "'Course I don't. Guess my pretty wife wants to see someone else with it then?"

You frown deeply, continuing to turn away. "As long as my new husband starts coming home when he says he will." It's a tease, a mean one. More of a threat.

"Y/n." He frowns, tone serious. "I'm real sorry, please just one more business trip. Not even this month, next month. Then I'll be done." Osamu promises.

"When next month?" You turn back to him, an eyebrow arching.

"End of month."

You ponder, tilting your head and pointing a finger to your lip by resting your finger on your chin. "Hmmmm."

"I'll forgive you if you help me look at the dresses." You negotiate.

"Deal." He grins, angling your face up to kiss you.

With your arms wrapped around his neck you fall right into his kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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