chapter one

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"hmph," i pouted, crossing my small arms over my chest. my right arm was placed over the wrap of my quiver, the holder of arrows for your bow."why didn't i get to do anything, shal?" i whined.

"maybe you'll get to do something next time, y/n-chan!" he smiled, ruffling my long h/c hair that was in a ponytail. i had been with the phantom troupe ever since i was fifteen, and i was seventeen now. the troupe was my family, ever since my sick parents left me in the streets to starve or to be trampled over by a car or horse. the troupe had found me there alone, and i ended up attacking and killing one of their members after thinking they were going to kidnap me.

"fei-chan, will you allow me to do some of the work next time?" i asked, running up behind feitan and hopping onto his back.

he scowled at me with a scary face like usual, "you do understand that i'm your senior and that i'm older than you, right?"

"aww," i pouted, messing up his hair with my right hand. "is fei-chan mad at me?"

"y/n, get off feitan's back," a voice echoed, coming from behind you me.

"chrollo!" i squealed, at the same time the other troupe members said, "boss!"

"y/n," he said my name with a scary, bosslike voice. "i need you to do something for the troupe." i looked up at the taller individual and tilted my head as a lost puppy would, as if asking him "what?" without having to utter a word. "i need you to go to yorknew city. number four might be there at the moment, and we need to see what he is doing. we'll be there with you soon, for the auction that will be taking place."

"why, boss? you could send us all there now," machi questioned.

"hisoka hasn't met y/n yet and this mission is almost like a-"

i butted in and excitedly squealed, "spy mission! i'll do is, chrollo! you can count on me!"

chrollo and the rest of the spiders smiled, admiring your happy attitude even after being almost forced to take part in a mission by yourself. chrollo lifted his hand up and lightly tugged off the blue hair tie that held your high ponytail up. "you'll need to cover up your tattoo, so wear your hair down from now on, okay?"

you nodded and smoothed your super soft hair. the tattoo was located on your left shoulder, so if you wore your hair down, it would easily cover the spider that laid there. "will she be okay on her own, boss?" shizuku asked, looking down worriedly.

"i'll be fine, 'zuku!" you said, already throwing all of your belongings into a bag. "hey-a, chrollo? will i need to bring my hunters license?"

he stood there for a couple seconds and then mumbled, "don't lose it."

you had been in yorknew for longer than three weeks now, no hisoka to be found. you were currently on the phone with the phantom troupe back home, informing them that hisoka wasn't in yorknew. "i was looking forward to a spy mission, though.." you complained.

shal laughed, making me feel like you were back home with your family, enjoying their company and going on dangerous missions with them. "it's okay. can you stay there for a little longer until we get there? you don't have to if you don't want, n/n."

"it's alright, i can manage. i'll see you guys later," you said, ending the phone call and walking outside of the hotel. you had managed to get a room at a beautiful hotel because chrollo let me take my hunters' license. there, you saw a rather loud blue-haired girl with an entourage of bodyguards following her.

the loud girl yelped as her one shopping bag she was holding started to fly away, due to the harsh yorknew wind. it was flying towards my direction, so a couple of her bodyguards started to walk towards you. you jumped up easily, holding your skirt down to make sure it doesn't fly up. my hair whipped in the air as you caught it, grabbing the top of the bag and handing it towards the blonde bodyguard that was there to retrieve it. he grabbed the handle and walked back to his boss.

no thank you? you thought, grumbling in your head, wanting to tell att the man.

two weeks had went by and you were told that the phantom troupe had come to yorknew city for it's auction. they sent you a quick text, informing you that there was a hideout in yorknew that they were going to stay at.

"miss me?" you said smoothly, hopping into the abandoned building. "uvo-!" you squealed as the giant, secret big teddy bear hugged me with a very tight squeeze.

"your hair grew even longer?" nobunaga said, looking closely at your hair, that was to my knees now. "you sure this is normal?"

"of course it's normal, nobu-san!" the rest of the phantom troupe and you spent the next day to catch up and tell our adventures that you guys didn't get to tell each other before. you had been in the city for so long that you had easily memorized all the names of the inhabitants of the large city.

today was the end of a new day and the first thing you did was walk over to the hideout from the hotel to tell them good-night. after you were able to give them a happy night and bid them sweet dreams, you decided to leave the hideout.

"chrollo, i'm going out!" you hollered, echoing. there was no answer, like usual. you smiled, knowing he heard and walked into the busy city.

surprisingly, there were three new faces you saw. a white-haired, cat-eyed boy, a green spiky-haired boy that resembled the top of a carrot, and a really tall man with a crowd suffocating him. they were arm-wrestling people and charging high prices to even try. "wanna try, y/n?" shal's voice was heard from behind me.

you smiled and replied, "i don't really feel like it right now. what about you shizuku?"

"sure, i guess i'll try," she responded, pushing her glasses up.

"yay! i'm coming up with you, shizu!" you happily said, following her to introduce yourself to the new faces in town.

"two new competitors?" the tall man asked, smirking and holding his hand out for money. you looked at the younger boys and smiled at them, trying your best to be friendly. the spiky boy smiled back, but the cat-eyed looked away.

warning: the plot here starts to change rather significantly!

"shizuku, y/n, we need to head back to the hideout immediately. uvo was injured by someone who fights with chains. he seems to have something against the troupe, so we better stay together, it'll only be easier for us to get hurt if we're split up."

"what?" you screeched, looking towards shalnark. "we'll be back later," you said snapping my head towards the three moneymakers and then running towards shal. "is uvo okay? he's back, right?" you worriedly asked starting to babble in gibberish out of worry.

"he's fine, he's just really, really injured."

"uvo!" you hollered, running into the building rather dramatically. "are you alright?!"

"i'm fine," he grumbled. "why did you have to tell everybody? it's just a minor broken bones and scratches-"

"it's not, uvo. the person that you fought with had hid his identity but was strong enough to take you down with his chains."

"he didn't take me down! i was going easy on him! i will go and find that chain user and tear him to shreds!"

"unfortunately, we don't have the time for that. there's been an emergency back at home and we'll have to all head back."

"chrollo, you guys can all h-head back! i'll stay here and find that chain user and tear him up like uvo said! i'll be okay, i spent a lot of time here already!" you begged, placing your hands onto chrollo's arms and lightly shaking him.

phinks and franklin looked at each other, questioning your wish. machi was about to speak up but before she could, chrollo responded with a simple and quiet, "fine."

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