What if Battles Q&A 1

Start from the beginning

America: I agree.

Ultraman Zero: Uh huh.

Toomi: You see, by featuring characters that were rarely used, it helps us display what the characters are capable of to the audience so if the audience enjoys the characters, they would check them out by watching the shows itself.

Megumi: Think of it as more of a shout out to that particular series.

Violet Evergarden: So far in our books, characters like Goku, Cinder Fall, Yang Xiao Long, Godzilla and Izuku Midoriya some of our most requested characters by our audience.


Zero Two: Like what Big G is saying, while requesting characters like these are okay, sometimes requesting the same characters all the times basically defeats the point of this book, which is to bring awareness of the other characters. I mean RWBY has so many interesting characters but people keep requesting Yang and Cinder to fight as if there isn't any other characters.

Sachi: In other words, that is why we only limit three chances for returning characters so that we can use the limited slots to feature other characters.

Supergirl: And there are audience reception that also plays a vital role. We rarely feature characters from obscure series is because by looking at our views and votes, we can determine the popularity of the character which basically spells this. Lesser known characters = Zero views.

America: Anyway, next question.

3) What is our favorite battle?

America: Definitely Miss America vs Supergirl.

Toomi: Yup. Laura_Hollis even commented that as her personal favorite battle. Next question

4) If any of these becomes an official Death Battle, will we be happy?

Toomi: So far, the only What if Battle in our book that became an official Death Battle episode was Wonder Woman vs She-Ra though we were already planning to release that to commemorate Pride Month but was not expecting Death Battle to be releasing the same battle at the same time.

Megumi: But our results were accurate, our research points were not too far apart and our reasonings to why Wonder Woman wins is basically the same so I have no complains.

Sachi: As for that question, Miss America vs Supergirl is the battle Laura_Hollis wants to see become an official episode. But knowing how lesser known America Chavez is to novice Marvel fans, Death Battle would probably use characters like Captain Marvel or She-Hulk to fight Supergirl due to the fact those two characters not only shares some similarities with Supergirl but they are also more popular characters than America.

Violet Evergarden: But to me, Simba vs Shere Kahn, Piccolo vs Martian Manhunter and Red Hood vs Punisher are the ones I would like to see.

Leina: Mine are Korra vs Luke Skywalker and Gwenpool vs Harley Quinn


Ultraman Zero: Alright, moving on.

5) Do we have any characters that we are happy to work on/glad they were requested in a battle

Toomi: The answer is all of them actually.

Megumi: To be honest, the good thing about us being able to host the battles is that we can make references to memes and talk about how good the characters are to remind the fans why they love them.

Sachi: But the only characters that we don't feel the same way is basically Yang Xiao Long due to how overused she is.

Leina: Yeah, for a character who fought three times, she has never even won a single fight.

Supergirl: Alright, next question.

6) Any we feel that could be better?


Ultraman Zero: Basically, the only battle in our book that could have been better was Kimi vs Elena mainly because due to how little information the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere wiki provided, we were not able to execute the battle to DevilNorthStar's standard and that is something we wish we could turn back time to improve on

Supergirl: But aside from that, the only fights we feel that way are our fights from the first What if Battles

Toomi: Yeah, looking back at some of the criticism from the past battles, we began to see that those guys are right and many of these could use some rewriting.

Megumi: And Yang vs Leone was a good example.

Zero Two: Is that all?

Violet Evergarden: Yes. That is all.

Toomi: Alright, thank you everyone for asking these questions. 

Sachi: If you have anymore quiries, please feel free to ask more questions in the message board, comment down below or private message Laura_Hollis herself and we will answer them in our next Q&A

Sachi: If you have anymore quiries, please feel free to ask more questions in the message board, comment down below or private message Laura_Hollis herself and we will answer them in our next Q&A

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Megumi: And until then, see you.

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