The Longest Day (Part 3)

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Trollzart started crying again.

Barb went to him, "Aw, come on, Trollzart. Dry those tears. You're too cute to be crying all the time."

"I am?"

"Of course. Now, let's see that Classical smile. Come on now."

She made a smile on Trollzart's face, "There we go. There's a little grinny-grin."

Prince D said, "Ok, this has gone way too far."

Branch said, "Nope."

Barb said, "Feelings. We should talk about our feelings. Our deepest, innermost thoughts. Oh, Trollzart, you go first."

Trollzart said, "When I was a young...Oh, gosh, I can't do this! I'm getting too emotional, but I think you get the idea. Right?"

He then hugged one of the puffaloes.

Trollex said to TBDB, "No, Beat Drop. If I say something, they'll use it against me. And they'd like that, wouldn't they?!"

Barb continued, "Feelings. I wanna hear about feelings."

Trollzart went to a log and hugged it, "Will you be my friend?"

Trollex then said, "It's a trap, Beat Drop. Don't listen to them. This is exactly what they want. I'm on to you! I am on to all of you!"

Branch said, "Now, this has gone too far."

Queen Essence said, "Ok. That's it. It's time for a nap."

Everyone nodded.

Poppy said, "They can take my pod."

She got it nice and dark so they could sleep.

Barb came up and said, "I love the darkness. It's like a big, fluffy blanket of blackness."

Poppy said, "And for now, you're gonna be snuggling with that blanket. In you go."

Poppy used her hair and pushed Barb in.

DJ and Bliss dragged Trollex by his fins to the pod, "Aah! It was a setup! I've been had!"

Delta was also dragged into the pod.

Trollzart was also put in while still hugging the log.

Everyone said, "Have a nice nap," and then closed the pod door and locked it so they couldn't get out until they were fully rested.


It was the end of the day.

The cleanup was almost finished.

Branch asked, "Do you think they're done napping?"

Poppy, Branch, and the Funk Family went to check on the other leaders.

When they looked inside, they were still in a deep sleep.

Queen Essence said, "Maybe they should be left alone for a few more minutes."

Poppy said, "Actually, they lost a week's worth of sleep. They could be in here for the next week."

Everyone decided to just let them lie.

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