Chapter one

Depuis le début

He personally sent Wayo to his freshman activity, before going to his own class, upon going there, he accidentally bumped to a freshman like Wayo. Instead of apologizing to him because he was senior, he received a deadly glare from the other guy, Tine lifted his eyebrows. "Hey! What's your problem?"

The other guy remove his headset and just look at him before ignoring him. The guy left without looking back at him.

Tine blood boil, he was so angry that he was ignore by his junior and cursed him. "Ai-hee-ah!" (A/N: it's a cursed words means son of a bitch). Tine walk away, and didn't see that the other man stopped upon hearing his cursed words. The other guy just stared at him and shake his head.



Mr Panitchayasawad just left at his office, at his side was his new employed Fighter, he was graduated at Law, not only that he was professional kick boxer. While walking towards their car, Fighter Phone rang, he did not answer it fist because it was unknown number, but it's keep ringing that make Mr Panitchayasawad annoyed, he look at Fighter and Fighter stand up straight. "Sorry, I'll turn it off right away sir."

"Why don't you answer it? It's keep ringing maybe it's important." Mr Panitchayasawad said.

Fighter nodded and answer it immediately. "Khup?"

The other line was female. "Sawatdee kha, is this Hwa husband?"

Fighter lifted his eyebrow. "Yes it is."

"Well, the thing is, your wife is missing after giving birth to your daughter, she just leave your child here and left your number."

"What did you say?" Fighter was startled. Mr Panitchayasawad eavesdrop what their talking about, he was surprised like Fighter. Fighter and his wife Hwa was happy couples, both of them are childhood friend and become lovers at their collage time. After graduation, they decided to get married, and it's just two years since they got married but now looks like Hwa already run away for unknown reason.

The nurse explained it again, according to her some guy picked up Hwa and left with him, Hwa only left a note for him and her own child, with Fighter number.

Fighter world shutters into pieces, he don't know what he did why Hwa left him with other guy. Mr Panitchayasawad look at him and patted his shoulder. "Go, I'll be fine alone, take care your daughter first then come back at work when you're okay." Mr Panitchayasawad let him be alone first.

Fighter immediately went to the hospital, Hwa did not even bother to tell him that she's giving birth already. Fighter saw his beautiful daughter, he smile and touched her hand before reading the notes.

'Fight, sorry, but I couldn't live with you anymore, I can't live like this anymore, I wanted to find myself first. Please take care our daughter, sorry again for leaving you.


Fighter uncontrollably tears suddenly, he love her so much, but what can he do? He doesn't even know where she is. He looked at his child while sleeping before kissing the child forehead.

Fighter decided to survive with his daughter, at first he wanted to asked his younger sister to take care of her daughter while working but he remember that she have to finish her college first. Her sister name was Nanno, she also same age as Tine and she's actually Tine friend. After thinking it over, His Mom suggested herself to take care of her granddaughter. Which is much appreciated for Fighter, it's because he was actually scared that if someone will take care of her daughter, he was afraid that her daughter will be abused.

Love War Book II(BrightWin)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant