Chapter 1 - Talk At LMWHS

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Hi everyone I really hope you enjoy this new fanfic "Chicago PD: You Found Me" i had originally wrote it based on Erin Lindsay but edited it after I received a request off of lilyliv123 to write about Hailey helping a kid that's had a similar childhood to her and who has experienced abuse. I really hope I do justice to the suggestion and that everyone enjoys reading it! Take care, EQ

All of the Intelligence unit were upstairs just finishing some paperwork from a night shift before going home, when Platt came up the stairs.

"Alright listen up. Sergeant Voight already knows about this but you're all going to to Lake Michigan West High School in Bridgeport tomorrow morning when your off shift, to give a talk to some of their students." Platt said and they all looked a little confused.

"Sarge I thought the patrolman were covering most of the high school talks this semester." Jay said picking up his jacket and turning back to look at Platt.

"They are but we want Intelligence to try and fit in some schools too. There's been a spike in OD's of teens recently and we can send out as many patrolman as we like but they need to hear it from the people with the most experience in this area and lately that's been all of you." Platt said and

"Look you've all just been on a night shift none of you have to do this, if you want to stay home off shift that's your right." Voight said and Platt nodded in agreement.

"Yeah Voight's right it's your time off." Platt said.

"Sign me up Sarge." Hailey said and Jay nodded.

"Yeah me too." Jay said.

"Yeah I'm in." Adam said.

"Jordan and Vanessa went to school a few of blocks away from Michigan West. If they hadn't gone to Texas they could have got caught up in this." Atwater said and nodded in agreement to join the others.

"No question I'm in too." Antonio said.

"Great. I'll see you all there first thing." Voight said.

At Hailey and Jay's apartment.

"You think some of this could be a bit much for high school students especially freshmen we don't want to frighten the life out of them it's their first semester in high school." Jay said. as they were trying to pick some photos of crime scenes.

"Jay we were teenagers once and as teenagers we most likely wouldn't have taken anybody's word for gospel apart from people our own age." Hailey said.

"Whats your point?" Jay said still confused.

"My point is these kids are never gonna learn or accept anything is wrong about experimenting with these types of drugs or getting caught up in the game until we shock them a little bit." Hailey said and Jay listened and nodded.

"Did you ever take anything? When you were there age I mean?" Jay asked. He'd never thought about it before but now they were living together he felt a lot more comfortable asking those sort of questions.

"Yeah once, but it was a bad pill. I was lucky, when I got sick one of my good friends recognised that something really wasn't right and they called 911. EMT's took me to the hospital and the doctors helped me out, I was lucky till I got home and my Dad realised how much my medical treatment was gonna cost him. We didn't have insurance so he took it out on me, my brother, my Mom. I didn't get a talk from my parents about staying away from stuff like that and the education on it was barely there at school. A tonne of these kids will be in the same position as I was."

"I get what your saying Hailey and it's all true but we haven't got a lot of time and we're not getting around a lot of schools, we can't just get every one of these kids that goes down the wrong path mentored." Jay said.

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