Chapter 13 - Silver Linings

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Gracie jumped up and down a little shaking her arms and legs, taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself. Looking behind her she quickly scanned the bleachers seeing Jay and Hailey sat up on the right with encouraging smiles coming her way. She was about to start the tournament. The rules had been explained the coach had given the usual pep talk all that was left now was to start.

A main umpire announces the start of the tournament and then the separate umpires control the individual games deciding when points should be awarded.

At the sound of the main umpire calling the start of the game through the megaphone Gracie takes a deep breath and prepares to take her first serve.

She hit the ball into the net and luckily had a second serve. She took the ball and bounced it on the floor again preparing to take her second serve.

"It's ok Gracie deep breath, focus." Her coach reminded from the sidelines as she walked back to get into a good position to take her second serve.

Hailey and Jay took a breath of relief as they saw Gracie's second serve sending the ball safely over the net and into the opposition's service box.

The games went steadily after that for Gracie. She won the most points out of her team in the first round making her one of the highest scoring players in the tournament.

The second round was almost over and Gracie was on her final game of the round. It had been close all the way through the game and Gracie had just scored the advantage point, one more point and Gracie would be the highest scoring in her team and go on to represent them in the final.

It was a close call but Gracie just managed to hit the ball over and into the service box and the other girl missed as it went towards her causing her to lose the point.

Jay and Hailey and the players and coach from Lake Michigan West High all cheered as Gracie's win sent her into the final.

Gracie took a breath and a sigh of relief hunching over as her friends all cheered and came over patting her on the back as she sent the team into the final.

"Jay she looks exhausted. The pressure of playing in the final for the team just after her Grandma and all of this..." Hailey said in concern looking on at an almost shocked Gracie who looked relieved at how far she had gotten but completely emotionally and physically exhausted.

"She's strong she's got this. We're right here." Jay reassured putting an arm around Hailey.

"You ok?" Coach Sully checked on Gracie as she came off the court to take five minutes before the final.

"Yeah...yeah I think so." Gracie said running up to the sidelines.

"Here." Coach said passing her a water bottle.

"Thanks." Gracie said taking the bottle and drinking from it whilst paying attention to what her coach was about to say.

"Alright listen, it's just you and her on that court if she tries to psych you out you keep your focus on that ball." Coach said and nodded knowing she had a good chance.

"Coach I saw her playing against that other girl she's really good and she beat me in the first round." Gracie explained doubting herself with a look of worry on her face.

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