Chapter Thirteen= I'm scared of losing her

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+Jimin's P.O.V+
"I'm okay." In this moment it felt like time went slow, I watched as the blood ran down her leg from the cut that was on her stomach. I watched the blood that ran down her hand and dropped onto the floor. I looked back at her, the time still going slow while she had a smile on her face, she slowly fell to the floor. I heard her name being called faintly, "Y/N!" It grew louder as time came back to it's normal speed. I saw Jungkook tie up the person she feared, I ran to her friend untying her while she stared at y/n body being held by yoongi. Taehyung wrapped up her wounds with ripped clothes, sirens were heard outside. And then time went slow again as they lifted her onto the gurney, we watched as they took her away in a rush. I stood up as they took her friend. I looked at the boys as they watched the door and we stood there in shock as they also took the man that did damage once again. We looked at the floor and there was blood almost everywhere from y/n, the sirens faded away and we still stood in the room. Yoongi had blood on his shirt, Taehyung had blood on his hands. We stared at the mess in this room not believing what just happened. And yet time still passed by and the world didn't stop for us to catch up just a bit. 

"We should clean this up." Taehyung's voice filled the room as you could clearly hear the pain, we nodded and Taehyung quickly left to grab the cleaning supplies. I looked over at Yoongi, he stayed staring at the floor. "Come one, I have a shirt you could wear." He nodded and we walked over to my room, the house felt empty because of how quiet we were. I went back after letting Yoongi change, Jungkook cleaned the broken glass in the living room. I walked into her room while Taehyung mopped up the blood that was on the floor. I took off her sheets that were stained with blood throwing them into a trash bag, I picked up the rope throwing it away as well. Along with the cut zip ties, I sighed while yoongi scrubbed the rest of the blood off the floor, Taehyung's still cleaning the small puddle of blood on the floor by the closet. 

Time felt slow the moment I saw her standing and falling, then it went back to normal speed. Yet it slowed down again when they took her away, I threw out the trash walking back in to see everyone putting things into trash bags. We walked out closing the door, they threw everything away as I locked up the house. Everyone climbed into Yoongi's car and I followed, we sat there silently driving away from the house to the hospital. Taehyung looked at her smashed phone taking out the memory card, "We'll get her a new one tomorrow, along with new sheets for her bed." We nodded, then again everything went silent. The drive felt far from us, I feel like the road stretched out the closer we got to the hospital. 

The image of her was stuck in my head, how the blood fell down her hand and leg. Yet she stood there with a smile and said I'm okay, before fainting from so much blood loss. "Jimin come on." I looked up to see Yoongi through the window, I got off slowly walking behind them. I didn't want to walk into that hospital because I didn't want to hear anything if she didn't make it. We walked in seeing Rose sitting wrapped in a blanket, she walked over and we embraced her. "We're so sorry we didn't get there quicker." Taehyung spoke the pain in his voice. I looked at everyone and all you could get from us was sadness, it's all we have to offer. 

"The doctors said she lost so much blood she had really pale skin." She had a few tears roll down her cheek, "They haven't said anything else yet." We nodded sitting down waiting for the doctor to come out with more news, I watched everyone as they slowly fell asleep. I was too scared to close my eyes, I kept the image of her in my head not knowing if she was alive or not. I'm scared to lose her, the doctor walked over and gestured for me to walk to him. I quickly get up, "She's okay we are giving her more blood, we gave her stitches for the wounds. She should wake up by tomorrow morning." I nodded thankful that she's okay, "May I see her." He nodded, taking me to her room. 

We walked through the hallways, once we reached her door time went slow once again. The beating of her heart was only heard as I walked into the room, she looked lifeless. I sat next to her bed taking her hand in mine. She was cold like a corpse, but she was alive. I stared at her while she took small breaths from the oxygen. This girl became a part of my life when things weren't so good, she walked in like a ray of sunshine. It hurt to see her like this, the pain and the fear she held in her eyes while she smiled and spoke I'm okay. That's what scared me more because I think this is her breaking point in it all. And then she lays before me completely normal in a hospital. I was scared to take my eyes off her because she would just stop breathing. I'm scared. 

I'm scared of losing her. 

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