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i lost my playlist for this book:,D

days went by so quick, the winter break so many teens waited for approached. luna couldn't be more exited for the holidays, her family wasn't the one to go all out with hundreds of presents under a ginormous fake tree, but she was still thankful and happy with the sweet moments she was able to cherish with her loved ones nonetheless

on the chilly winter days that went by, luna and finn had become closer; maybe you wouldn't consider them best friends, but they were getting there. they would spent afternoons in each other's houses or go out for coffee, luna never forgetting to tell the boy how much she hated his order—unsweetened plain black coffee, who the fuck even drinks that? they also were able to laugh off what happened the first time finn went to her house

it was untrue to say her friends weren't jealous, they completely were and had absolutely no trouble expressing that. not only were jealous but they were also worried, every time they would hear luna ditched them to hang out with finn the thought that he might actually attempt to hurt her still swam through their minds. especially millie's

"oh, so you're saying that i'm wrong?" luna crossed her arms

"what? no! i'm just saying your thought process is a bit confusing" he defended, taking the joking argument a bit too seriously

she giggled "sure, whatever," hand dropping from her chest to wright down an idea for their story whilst the other checked the time on her phone "i think i should go, it's getting quite late"

"already? we just started"

"i've been here for four hours!" her brows raised as she started packing pens and papers back into her backpack; it was 6pm

"ugh, you're no fun" finn lazily stood up, helping her pack

"hey, finn, have you seen my keys-" timothée entered the dim lit kitchen, quickly taking notice of the girl that basically lived at his house—she was there almost everyday "oh. hey, luna. i didn't know you were coming over"

"oh hi!" a warm smile rose on her face, not that it ever left "i was just leaving, it's getting late"

"do you want a ride? i was just about to go over to my girlfriend's" the keys he just found now dangled from his bony fingers as he kindly offered

"you've already drove me so many times, i'm starting to think i'm getting annoying to you," she straightened the straps of her bag that now comfortably sat on her shoulders whilst she chuckled "it's still kinda bright outside, i'll be fine"

"if you say so" he leaned against the wall beside him

they calmly exchanged goodbyes and luna was out the door sooner than ever, leaving the brothers alone

"does she know?" timmy spoke after the door shut

finn turned on his heels towards his brother "know what?"

"oh, you know, that you've been drooling over her for the past, i don't know, year?!" his voice raised in rage, arms painfully wrapping his chest

finn gulped dry, not understanding his brother's sudden anger, but nervous anyway "she doesn't need to know" he lowly retorted, eyes glued on his bare feet

"doesn't need to know, huh?" timothée kissed his teeth, trying to calm himself down "let's say you actually date her- no, let's say you marry her! are you gonna take that to your fucking grave with you?"

finn himself lost his temper at that moment "what the fuck am i suppose to do, timothée?! tell her i've been basically planing every part of our relationship before she even started acknowledging my existence? or confess to her my undying love when the only thing we've talked about is a stupid english project?" sharp sarcasm coating every words that left his mouth—mouth that had been chirping sweet and calm things to the girl he adored all day

of course finn and luna had talked about other things beside their boring homework, much more personal and interesting things, but he obviously didn't feel the need to bring that up

"well, unlike you, i have a girlfriend—which i was able to get in a totally non sociopathic way—and she's wanting for me as we speak, goodbye" in a matter of seconds the sound of the door slamming once again rang with timothée's car's engine taking a little longer than usual to start


the sun set as the moon named girl entered her home. once she stepped foot in the house she heard the sound she most dreaded


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it's been a hot ass minute!

this chapter's been siting here for like 5 months i have no idea why i didn't post it but here it issss

i might start writing again but i totally forgot how to write so yeah 💔

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