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read with the song if you want!!

"alright, class, that's all i want you guys to do. make sure to hand it in next friday" ms carter spoke, finally ending her class for the day, boring every person that sat there

right after she finished talking about the new assignment, the last bell loudly rang throughout the large building. before she could dismiss the group of angsty teenagers, they were all pushing one another out the small door, into the now crowded hallway

"hey, luna, wait up," the teacher called on the young girl who hadn'd left the classroom yet. luna gestured to the teacher, telling her to continue as she bit on her lower lip with anxiety "look, i know things might be a little out of hand at home sometimes, but i can't magically make your grades higher, luna, you need to work for it! want it!"

she looked down at her toes, knowing well both things the older woman was referring "i do, i do work hard but- but you know i'll be fine on this one"

"of course, i know how well you write," ms carter smiled, proudly caressing luna's left shoulder "but the assignment isn't to write some romance book. please, don't disappoint me"

the teacher most certainly knew luna had a gift, her writing amazing the woman every time, but definitely wasn't enough to keep her grades up

"i won't, miss," luna assured, picking up her ebony bag from ms carter's desk as she rushed her words, slightly raising her voice "but i really have to get going, wouldn't want the other girls to leave me behind!" she was already half way out the door

"bye!" the woman also slightly yelled, shaking her head as she giggled to herself, knowing the girl probably didn't even hear her goodbye

luna rapidly paced through the long corridors of the school, eager to reach her locker. as she did, she stuffed the metal compartment which was decorated with small printed photos of old bands she enjoyed, with textbooks she wouldn't be needing during the weekend, and refilling her bag with novels—she had written some, others were from the local library

"hey, girls, wait for me!" luna shouted, gaining the attention of the group of friends that were about to leave the building

she was quick to pack her things, swiftly swinging her backpack onto one shoulder as she ran down the empty hall to her friends

"took you long enough" lilia joked, dusting off her coat from the snow that fell onto it, since the group was now outside

"lil!" millie nudged the blond "don't worry, lu, we're more than happy to wait for you"

"ok, ok let's not get sappy" luna chuckled

the cold breeze softly hit their pale skin as they walked along the sidewalk, slipping once in a while due to the wet iced pavement

"soo," the short haired brunette started "who are you guys doing the english homework with?"

"millie and i are doing it together" sadie responded

"oh.. lilia?" luna directed her speech to the other girl, hopeful she didn't have a partner yet

"i'm doing it with jaeden, sorry" the group filled with 'ooo's, teasing their friend

"oh yeah, i forgot you're mrs martell now"

"maybe you could go with one of the weird kids that sit at the back" the redhead snickered, referring to their socially awkward class mates

luna wasn't a girl with many friends, of course she would have the ocasional exchange of information with some classmates but that was as far as it went. her only true friends being millie, sadie and lilia

the girls continued to giggle and jokingly tease each other along the icy street. so carefree, so naive, so unaware


"what the fuck took you so long?" timothée asked his younger brother who had just entered the house, arriving from school

"calm your tits, jeez" finn spoke, undressing from his huge winter coat which was the only thing that was able to keep his warm when he left to be met with the freezing morning gust

"please don't tell me you were spying on those young girls like a creep, again" the older boy pleaded as he munched on his comfort snack, skittles

"they're not young"

"so you were?"

"wha- what? no!"

"that wasn't very convincing" timmy laughed unconvinced

"where's mom?" the curly black haired boy changed the subject, not wanting to deepen conversation, as he paced towards kitchen, opening the fridge to grab a drink to kill his thirst

"don't change the sub-"

"where  is  our  mother?" he sternly repeated, making timmy completely stop goofily jogging towards him

"um, she went to the drugstore, why?"

"no reason," finn sipped his freshly poured milk with a smirk "i'm just messing with you"

"asshole!" his brother shouted from the living room he already had returned to

"right back at you, mr chalamet" he called the older boy by his preferred last name, the last name that complemented his name better, according to timothée


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first chapter!! i really hope whoever reads this likes it, the story it's self isn't THAT interesting (or is, whatever makes you continue reading)

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