019. versus the outbreak

Start from the beginning

They quickly got back into the mood to continue their make out and were too busy with each other to realize that the other members of their team had entered the lounge room. The two boys and girl all looked at the couple in disgust, unsure of what to say but Hana decided to speak up first.

"Can you two like not make-out on the couch? We kinda all use this couch." Hana pointed out in disgust, throwing herself on the couch. She then placed her feet on the table to rest them.

"Well, I'm sorry that I have a woman that's in need of some love and attention from me." Spyder smirked, throwing his arm around Natalie.

"He didn't feel like studying anymore and gave up." Natalie simplified.

"That's not true!" Spyder argued in disbelief.

"It is and you know it." Natalie shot back.

"Yeah, you get bored easily." Hana agreed.

"Alright but I need Mark to focus on Grey, not some stupid try out." Ryan vented in annoyance, turning the conversation into one about his older brother's constant absence from the team.

"It's not stupid to him. Look, we all have our thing. You're the technopath. I'm the brain. Natalie is the computer engineer. Hana is the support and Spyder is......" Harris started to explain but couldn't think of anything for Spyder.

"Is...." Harris and Ryan shared a wide eyed look as they couldn't come up with anything to describe the fearless renegade without calling him stupid.

"Awesome, weird flexible." Spyder described himself and everyone nodded along.

"Can you hear dog whistles?" Spyder questioned.

"And Mark's a jock." Harris finished.

"Right." Ryan agreed.

"We're gonna.....We're gonna come back to my thing though, right?" Spyder pondered.

"Uh." Harris stuttered.

"For sure." Ryan nodded, awkwardly patting the boy's shoulder for reassurance.

"Don't worry, Spyder, to me you're my amazing, cute and loveable boyfriend." Natalie assured, hoping that would cheer the gloomy boy up.

"Really?" Spyder questioned with a smile, earning a nod of confirmation.

"Thanks, Nat. You always know how to make me feel better." Spyder smiled before pressing a soft kiss to her cheek, not caring that he was receiving looks of disgust from the other boys.

"Dude, don't you think it's been hard on him. Being at a new school and you know, not being Mark Walker?" Harris pondered.

"I guess." Ryan shrugged.

"Varsity is part of his identity. Just like how the information on this data core is a part of yours." Harris pointed out.

"How is the data core going anyways?" Ryan asked.

"Don't you think if he got the info he'd be gloating by now?" Spyder reminded.

"I don't gloat." Harris denied.

"Dang son!" Spyder imitated.

"Science." Ryan added.

"Check it, y'all." Hana and Natalie finished together, mimicking the genius's famous sayings.

"Ok, I gloat a little but not today, Harper encrypted this in a way I can't work around." Harris sighed.

"And that I can't crack with my powers." Ryan pointed out in annoyance.

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