1. Rise of Blast - Part 1

Start from the beginning

More aliens were coming, but that didn't frighten him in the slightest. He began dashing right through the troops of aliens, simply ramming into them at high speed, with his fists in front of him, blasting them away like toy dolls. No matter how many aliens showed up, none of them could do anything to this mysterious character.

The crowd kept on cheering for the hero in blue clothes, and the teenager kept looking around as he saw the people cheer for him. The joy, the adrenaline, this was the best moment of his life. However, as he was looking at the crowd, one of the aliens walked up to him and pointed at him with his gun.

"You've done enough damage, now you must-" the alien said, but instead of finishing his sentence, his voice suddenly changed into a loud beeping sound. This took the teenager by surprise.

"What in the world?" The teenager said, confused by the beeping noise, but he then realized it was a familiar sound. It was the same sound of his alarm clock!

The teenage boy suddenly woke up in his bed. It had all been a dream. A very fascinating one at that, but a dream still. Still a bit drowsy, he stretched his arms and let out a large yawn. What a wacky dream that was. He then looked over to the side of his bed, where he had his alarm clock. He turned over to turn off the alarm, but as he did he saw the time: 7:50 AM!

"Are you kidding me?!" He yelled as he jumped out of bed. "I can't be late for school again!" He added. The teenage boy raced over to the closet to get his clothes, and started dressing himself, struggling to put on his dark pants and his sky blue T-shirt at the same time, then bouncing around as he put on his socks and tried to comb his hair at the same time.

After he had his shoes on, he sprinted outside of his room over to the kitchen, where his mom was waiting for him with his breakfast. A dish of scrambled eggs with bacon, two slices of toast with strawberry jam on them, a bowl of oatmeal, a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice. She just watched as her son bolted over to the kitchen in a hurry.

"Don't tell me you overslept again, Alex." His mom told him. Alex sighed as he grabbed a slice of toast.

"I didn't hear the alarm until now." he quickly replied, as he didn't sit down, but instead just gulped down the glass of orange juice and took a bite out of his toast. "I've gotta go, the bus is about to come!" Alex said as he dashed out the front door.

"But Alex, what about your-" his mom began, but couldn't end before he had already ran out the door. "...breakfast?" she concluded, just sighing as she saw her son run out in such a hurry.

As soon as Alex came out the door, the bus was outside, and began to leave without him. "No, wait!" Alex cried as he chased after the bus. The bus driver seemed to have not noticed him running after the bus, as the old man was just grumpily staring at the road, thinking about his own problems.

Alex kept on running, but to no avail. Alex tripped and fell flat on the ground just as the bus left him in the dust. Alex sighed and got back on, cleaning the dirt off his shirt. "I guess I'll have to walk..." Alex said to himself in defeat, frustrated about the poor start of his day.

As he walked, he remembered his dream again. "Gee, if only life was like that dream. Wouldn't it be cool to have super powers?" Alex thought to himself. "It wouldn't be a problem to get up late, I'd fly over to school in a minute." Alex kept thinking. It was fun to fantasize, but Alex sighed. It was just a dream. That kind of stuff doesn't happen in real life. Why did real life have to be so boring and frustrating? Why couldn't life be an amazing adventure like it was in his dream?

After a fifteen minute walk, Alex found himself right outside his school. It was the smallest high school in the whole town of Peachwood, but it was the best his mom could afford. But that wasn't what bothered him. What bothered him the most is that he was late again, and everyone would know about it. The teacher would get grumpy at him again, and everyone at school would make fun of him for coming late yet again.

Blast: The Teenage HeroWhere stories live. Discover now